Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brain Health Tips

Brain Health Tips

This Website Has The Lot Of Women Health Tips For The Women Only
Mental exercises to sharpen memory and cognitive ability are becoming very popular among baby boomers in 2007. “There is mounting evidence that cognitive exercise may protect our brains” said Dr. Gary W. Small, a professor of geriatric psychiatry and director of the UCLA Center on Aging & the Memory and Aging Research Center.According to Dr. Small, “We know specific exercises in certain brain functions definitely have an effect. The question is, if you do your mental aerobics, will brain exercise stave off Alzheimer? There is softer evidence that it does.” Dr Small also points out in Time Magazine that “people are realizing that life style can protect not just their hearts but also their brains.” Time also indicated that every 8 seconds a baby boomer turns 50, and that a recent Met Life Foundation survey found Americans over the age of 55 fear Alzheimer’s more than any other disease besides cancer.
The gaming industry is also taking notice of this trend. Examples of mind
exercising games may include:
Use of hand held electronic games may require answering questions using a stylus, or drawing exercises
Sudoku puzzles found in newspapers, magazines, websites seem to be the most popular
some games make you react quickly to easy math questions or visual tests.

Stages of Pregnancy Week By Week

Stages of Pregnancy Week By Week

This Website Has The Lot Of Women Health Tips For The Women Only
Uunderstanding pregnancy week by week, you usually go through 40 weeks of pregnancy. These 40 weeks are divided into three pregnancy trimesters – from Week 1 to 14, from
Week 15 to 26, and Week 27 to 40. This is a look at what goes through your body during pregnancy. First Trimester
In the first two weeks, you actually are not pregnant, but it is the time when your egg is being fertilized by the sperm. During Week 3, your body is still unaware that it is pregnant and the implantation of the fertilized cell begins. The following week you realize that you are pregnant, and in between Week 4 and 5, you experience morning sickness.During Week 5 of pregnancy week by week, the cells develop into three layers – Endoderm, Mesoderm, and the Ectoderm. This week is the start of forming of the embryo’s head, and the baby’s cell. Your baby’s heart starts to beat at the beginning of Week 6, and the eyes, liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines, lungs and pancreas begin to form by mid-week. Week 7 is when there is development of the eye lenses, tongue, legs and arms, and the jaws, and your baby doubles in size. During Week 8, the four chambers of the heart start to develop, along with teeth buds within the gums, the windpipe, bronchi, voice box, and the cerebellum. Week 9 is when your body determines whether you are having a boy or a girl. Week 10 is when the embryo is now a baby, albeit on a small scale.
In the next four weeks of pregnancy week by week, your morning sickness begins to subside, the structure of the brain is completed, baby begins to open and close its mouth and the vocal chords are formed. During Week14, your areolas may begin to darken and become large, and the baby practices breathing, sucking, and swallowing.
Second Trimester
In the second trimester of monitoring of your pregnancy week by week, your baby’s head begins to rest on its neck, instead of shoulders, by Week 15, and it begins to turn its head and feet. The toenails begin to grow the following week, muscles become stronger, and the head and neck grow straighter. Your baby starts blinking, sucking, and swallowing during Week 17, along with development of all existing body structures. By mid-Week 18, the eyes and ears will be in the right position, and the pads of fingertips and toes will develop. Fingerprints start to develop during this week.
If it is a baby girl, egg cells will be developing in her ovaries by Week 19 of pregnancy week by week. The following week, the scalp hair and eyebrows begin to form, and the baby will start to wake and sleep as babies do. By the end of Week 21, your baby’s heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope. The following week, the testes will move from the pelvis to the scrotum, if it is a boy. During Week 23, the body gets into proportion, and the bones in the middle ear begin to harden. By Week 24, your baby’s heartbeat can be heard by placing an ear on your stomach. Nostrils start to open, lungs start to develop blood vessels during Week 25, and the following week the nostrils are fully open, and brain wave activity starts.
Third Trimester
Lungs grow rapidly, and you should feel your baby kicking during Week 27 of pregnancy week by week monitoring. The next week, the eyelids open and the lungs can breathe air. A premature baby born now has chances of surviving. During Week 29, the senses of sound, taste and smell are developing, and the baby can move its eyes. During the next two weeks, the baby is still growing, and ensure your intake of proper nutrients, along with folic acid, vitamins, and calcium is still continuing. By Week 32, the baby can sense all the five senses.
In the next three weeks, your baby begins to suck its fingers, starts to develop its own immune system, and in case of boys, the testes would have fully descended. Your baby could turn in a head down position. Due to continuous deposit of fat, during Week 36 elbows and knees will start to form dimples. You should be alert for any signs of labor as you enter Week 37, as your baby could be born two week before or after the due date.

Breast Enlargement Without Surgery

Breast enhancement surgery typically involves saline breast implants or a breast

lift procedure that adjusts the size, texture and shape of the breasts. However,
a lineup of pills, creams and breast enlargement pumps claim to provide similar
results without the need for surgery.
Is breast enlargement without surgery too good to be true? Here’s a closer look
at some of the latest treatments and options available:
Breast Augmentation with Herbal Supplements
Pills that stimulate hormone production have been linked to increasing the size
of the breasts, but there is little evidence that these are a safe solution for
breast enhancement. Herbal extracts such as fennel, saw palmetto, wild yam and
fenugreek have long been used in herbal medicine treatments to balance the hormones
but reports that many of these herbs are not supported by published
clinical trials. Most contain a high concentration of phyto-oestogens, the chemicals
that can stimulate breast tissue production and will ‘trick’ the body the body into
thinking it is pregnant.
There may be other benefits of taking herbal supplements for breast augmentation.
The Department of Health Care Sciences at George Washington University School of
Medicine published results of a study about herbal breast enhancement supplements
in 2003, stating that, “the effect of phyto-oestrogens on breast tissue isn’t really clear.
Some early research suggested that women with diets high in phyto-oestrogens have a l
ower risk of breast cancer.” (Source:
Breast Enhancement with Exercise
You can tone the abdominal muscles, increase the size of your biceps and even
tighten up the glutes with a healthy exercise routine, so why not increase your
breast size too? A personal trainer can help you learn exercises that build up
the chest muscles underneath the breasts so you tighten and tone the entire area.
This may prevent drooping and creates a more youthful, toned look. Shoulder
press resistance exercises, palm presses and even light pushups can help you build
up strength in the chest area to provide a sturdy foundation for the breasts.
Breast Enlargement Pumps
Breast enlargement pumps are now available over the counter with varying
(usually temporary) results, but the BRAVA system, one of the latest nonsurgical
breast enlargement systems on the market, claims to provide long-lasting results.
BRAVA also stimulates breast tissue growth and requires the patient to wear small
plastic domes for at least ten hours per day in order to work. The entire treatment
process runs for ten weeks, and the system is designed to increase the breasts by
at least one cup size. Does BRAVA really work? The company behind the BRAVA system
reports that results are dependent on biological factors, overall health
and duration of use of the system.
Breast Augmentation with Macrolane
Hyaluronic acid is already used extensively as an anti-aging and wrinkle removal treatment
Restylane, Juvederm and Captique are the leading injectables that can enhance the skin and
reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Since hyaluronic acid can also boost
collagen production and increase the volume of skin tissue, it is available as an injectable
known as Macrolane for breast enhancement. Marcolane can increase the size of the breasts to
create a smooth, natural appearance. Macrolane was created the Swedish company Q-Med, and
the procedure is widely available in Europe and Japan. From herbal supplements to breast
enlargement pumps, there are several options available for increasing cup size – without
going under the knife. Still, most of these treatments cannot imitate the results of breast
implants or other surgical procedures and may offer only minimal, temporary results.
If you’re looking for a permanent way to increase breast size, surgery may be the most
effective way to get the results you want. Learn more about breast augmentation procedures
in our information guide, or find a breast implants doctor in your area to find the best option for your goals.

Skin Care Tips

Dry skin usually lacks moisture. There are many factors like environment,
food habits which causes dry skin.
Drinking 8-10 glasses of water keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized
Apply moisturizer to slightly damp skin after shower.
Mix milk cream with a pinch of turmeric powder and apply it on the face daily.
Do not use soap often instead use besan or green gram flour. Instead of soap,
you can also use cleansing gel.
Soak 4 or 5 almonds overnight, in the morning peel the skin and grind it nicely,
mix it with raw milk and apply it on the face and wash it off after 15 minutes to
prevent dryness of skin.
Mix green gram flour with rose water, tender coconut water and
raw milk and apply it on the face .
Almonds (4 or5) should be soaked overnight, peel its skin in the morning and chew it .
It nourishes your skin from within.
Massage your skin with olive oil or coconut oil before going to bath.
Bath in cool or lukewarm water as hot water draws out natural oil and will dry your skin further.
Oil massage is very effective in case of dry skin.
Mix egg yolk, milk cream and rose water and apply it on the face. Wash it off after sometime
in warm water followed by cold water. This is a natural mask for dry skin.
For flaky skin, dip cotton in cold raw milk to which a few drops of olive oil or sunflower oil is
added and cleanse the skin with it. Wash with cold water.
Carrot mask is good for sensitive and dry skin .Boil a carrot in a little water. After it cools,
grind it to a paste and apply to the face.
Honey is an excellent moisturizer. Apply honey on the face and wash it off with warm water
after 15 minutes. This natural remedy for dry skin works well.
Add a few drops of oil to the water you use for bath. This helps to retain moisture and
prevents dryness of skin.
Honey mixed in a little raw milk can also be applied to prevent dryness of skin.
Mash papaya until creamy and use it as a mask once in a week to prevent dryness.
Application of aloe vera gel also prevents dryness of skin.
Avoid excessive use of chemicals on the skin. Include food rich in vitamin E and vitamin
A for a smooth and glowing skin . Refer Skin care for more.