Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gynecological Cancer

Gynecological Cancer
Cancer of the reproductive system of women is a group of cancers that affect the tissues and organs in the female reproductive system. Each type of cancer is named after the device was its source. Cancers of the reproductive system of women as follows:
* Cervical Cancer
* Ovarian Cancer
Cancer of the uterus
Cancer of the vagina
Cancer of the vagina
Causes and risk factors in women's diseases to fight cancer
Causes and risk factors for cancer of the reproductive system of women differed between the different species, but there are some risks involved:
* Infection of HPV
* Exposure DES (synthetic estrogen given to women before in 1971 during the period of pregnancy to prevent abortion, but in the end cause a risk to the health of mothers and daughters / son carried)
* Smoking
There are also risk factors for diseases of women that we have no control over, such as age, race, and family history of infection of certain diseases and conditions that raise the risks that we face. There is a risk factor is not a prerequisite for the development of the disease, there are still some women develop cancer of the reproductive system of women despite the absence of any risk factor for it.
Symptoms of gynecological cancer control
Symptoms of cancer of the reproductive system of women differed, depending on the type of cancer. There is a wide spectrum of symptoms of cancer of the reproductive system of women and can include:
* Pelvic pain
* Abnormal vaginal bleeding
* Vaginal bleeding during or after intercourse
* Persistent abdominal swelling or bloating
* Unintended weight gain or loss
* The constant changes the intestinal tract, such as diarrhea or constipation
These are common symptoms of cancer of the reproductive system of women, but there are more symptoms that relate specifically to each type.
Diagnosis of gynecological cancer control
How is the diagnosis of cancer of the reproductive system of women depends on the type of cancer is suspected. Pelvic exams, and colposcopy examinations and tests and imaging, and analysis, and so that the surgery in all diagnostic tools to diagnose cancer of the reproductive system of women.
Once cancer is confirmed, in the stage of the cancer and then be to identify and develop a treatment plan developed. Ranking the extent to which the cancer has spread to nearby tissues or organs.
* What to ask your doctor when diagnosed with cancer
* Do you need a second opinion?
Treatment of gynecological cancer control
A cure for cancer of the reproductive system of women depends on the type of cancer, theater, and other factors of public health. Common means to treat diseases of women and include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and surgery.
* Find a Doctor: UCompareHealthCare
* How to choose a tumor
* How to Find a Doctor
The prevention of gynecological cancer control
Prevention tactics differ between cancers of the reproductive system of women, because each has a specific cancer, its own reasons, and risk factors. There are some risk factors common among some types of cancer in the female reproductive system that can reduce the risks that we face. To reduce the risk of cancer of the reproductive system of women, you can: reduce the risk of HPV. Limiting exposure to human papilloma virus (HPV) may also reduce the risk of cervical cancer, cancer of the vagina, cancer of the vagina. HPV is a common virus transmitted sexually in some cases, when left untreated or undetected, which may progress to cervical cancer.
Q: What is HPV?
* Symptoms of HPV
* How can prevent HPV
Access to regular cervical smear. Access to regular Pap smear is a very effective way to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Of the cervical smear is a simple test that can detect abnormal changes on the cervix long before they become cancerous. The key to the effectiveness of the cervical smear is the presence of them play regularly. How much you need to smear varies from woman to woman, on the basis of age, and previous findings nipple female breast, and cervical cancer have a risk factor. Always consult your doctor about how it should be in many cases, the presence of Masha.
Avoid smoking. Because we know that tobacco use is associated with some types of cancer of the reproductive system of women, and avoiding smoking is the best strategy to reduce risk. Quitting smoking may reduce the risk of cancer of the reproductive system of women, not only, but many other types of diseases and conditions as well.
* 5 main reasons to quit smoking
* How to prepare to quit smoking
* How can I know if I have a problem of drinking?
If surgery has been nominated by the treating physician. Women with risk of ovarian cancer may have the option of a preventive oophorectomy, and surgical removal of one or both ovaries. This is not a standard method of prevention is only available to women who have an increased risk has been confirmed through genetic testing. Studies also indicate tubal ligation reduces the risk of a woman in ovarian cancer, but this procedure is never done alone to prevent it.It is just the added benefit of surgery.
Remember, there are still some cancer in women of the reproductive system of women despite the risk aversion. Risk reduction and effective, but not foolproof way of prevention.

Reasons for female hair loss

Reasons for female hair loss
Lady Godiva to Break Girl, Farah Fawcett to Jennifer Aniston, there is no doubt that, at least for women, hair is often a critical point in personal style. This is one reason why so many women in a state of panic even the thought of the loss of hairs in vain with every shampoo.
These fears are not unfounded, as in every year more women are forced to deal with the possibility of exposure to massive loss of hair. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is a growing problem, which affects about 30 million women in the United States - with some types of loss that occurs at an early age, seen in growing numbers.
"I saw women in the age of 15 or 16 develop hair loss problems - it's not common, but it's also not that rare," says Ted Daly, MD, a dermatologist from Nassau University Medical Center in Long Island, who specializes in treatment of female hair loss.
But what exactly causes a woman to lose her hair? To understand this, it is important to know a little something about how to grow hair.
Stunted growth cycle
Experts tell us that Tris usually grow at a rate of about half an inch per month - with all the hair growth after a period of two to six years. At that point in the hair "rests" for a period of time, and then out - and the pouch that comes soon starts growing a new strand. And so the cycle continues, usually Snoatna as well as in adults.
In some people, but - those with a genetic predisposition for hair loss - a group of hormones called androgens interfere with this natural process. According to dermatologist Michael Reed, managing director, and androgens hormones, including testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - all made in the men's bodies in large quantities, and women's bodies in small quantities.
In those who are genetically susceptible, when testosterone comes into contact with enzymes residing in the hair cell, it is converted to a more powerful androgen DHT, which then connects with receptors deep within the hair follicle.
"Over time, the accumulation of a surplus [of DHT] in the follicle causes it to begin shrinking, which in turn changes the resting stages of the natural hair growth," says Reed, an associate professor of clinical dermatology at the University Medical Center, New York, which specializes in female hair loss. Some of the follicles eventually die, while others have become unable to produce or maintain the growth of healthy hair. The end result, "says Reid, is the loss of hair - and a condition known medically that androgenic alopecia.
For many decades, doctors believed that androgenic alopecia was the main cause of baldness in men and women together. Today they know this is not true - at least with regard to women.
Female and male Balding is not the same pattern
"We do not even like to use the term 'androgenic alopecia' in women anymore - instead, call it female pattern hair loss - a broader term that includes many of the possible causes, some of which are likely to be directly linked to the excess of the hormone testosterone, and some are not, "says Daly WebMD.
In fact, says that although the science of female balding is still largely misunderstood, and there is evidence that many other types of enzymes, as well as hormone-receptor blockers, may be at work in women.
Which indicates that there is a real difference between male baldness and female pattern that occurs is the hair loss.
"Female pattern baldness goes around the entire top of the head - is widespread - while men lose it on the temple, the crown, the bald spot in the back," says Daly. It is no coincidence, the location of hormone receptors and enzymes are also different in different regions of the scalp - another reason doctors now believe that the patterns of losses caused by different predisposing factors.
Another important difference: While the baldness in men is almost always a result of genetic predisposition coupled with age, and women, can occur at any time. In addition, it can be the underlying medical conditions also be the cause of hair loss - even when true androgenic alopecia is the diagnosis.
Medical reasons in
"Often these women are also suffering with polycystic ovary syndrome, [common hormonal problem in women], and sometimes hair loss is a trademark, the only clear," says Ricardo Azziz, MD, director of the Center for the androgen-related disorders at the Center Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
In addition, Daly reports that certain types of autoimmune diseases result in a slightly different and often less dramatic hair loss problem known as alopecia areata - an inflammatory condition that causes hair to come out in clumps or patches.
Still others can provide a solution to the problem of temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium - a change in the natural order for hair growth that often follows childbirth, crash dieting, surgery, or emotional traumatic event.
Azizz adds that the thyroid disorders, anemia, chronic illness, or even the use of certain medications can also cause hair loss in women, which are often undiagnosed.
For these reasons, specialists say it is vital for all women to obtain "root" of hair loss before seeking treatment.
"The number (1) base for the treatment of hair loss in women is to get the correct diagnosis - if there is a problem inherent material must be corrected first," says Reid. In many cases, he says, can prevent the need for further treatment of hair loss. As such, he advises women to see a doctor who specializes in female pattern baldness and make sure that the verification of possible underlying medical conditions via blood tests, or if necessary, biopsy of the scalp.
"Often the diagnosis is made by excluding what the problem is not there - but it is still necessary to do a full workup," says Daly.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) Baldness is common in females, known as alopecia androgenetic. Many of the women affected by FPHL. In fact, about 40% of women aged 50 years show signs of hair loss, and less than 45% of women actually reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.
In FPHL, there is diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp hair due to the dumping of increase or reduction in the volume of poetry, or both. It is natural to lose up to 50-100 hairs per day. Another condition is called chronic telogen effluvium and presents with increased hair shedding and is often confused with FPHL. It is important to differentiate between these conditions and management for both the circumstances are different.
FPHL presents quite differently from the more easy to identify male pattern baldness, which usually begins with a receding hair line front to be submitted to a bald patch on top of the head. It is very rare for women to male pattern balding following only if there is excessive production of androgens in the body. However, some women may develop some hair thinning in my hair directly with the natural progression of age.
What causes female pattern hair loss?
FPHL has a strong genetic predisposition, although the mode of inheritance remains to be determined. There are many genes that contribute to this situation, and could be the genes inherited from one parent or both.
Currently, it is not clear whether the androgen (male sex hormones) play a role in FPHL, although androgens have a clear role in male pattern baldness. The majority of women had FPHL with normal levels of androgens in the blood. As a result of this relationship is uncertain, and FPHL preferred term for 'female alopecia androgenetic'.
What is normal hair growth cycle?
Everyone was born with a finite number of hair follicles in the scalp, which produces hair throughout life. Grow from the base of the hair follicle the rate of about one centimeter per month for three years. This growth phase is called anagen. After anagen, the hair dies (catagen hair) and no longer grow. It sits dormant in the follicle for a period of three months phase called telogen. After telogen, the hair follicle is subject to the anagen phase again for the production of new hair that grows from the same follicle. As they grow and grow, and the old telogen hair is the expulsion or expulsion. This is the session which will last throughout life.
How long does it take for FPHL to progress?
FPHL can affect women of any age group but occurs more common after menopause. Hair loss process is not fixed, and usually occurs in fits and bursts. It is not uncommon that the acceleration stages of hair loss for 3-6 months, followed by periods of stability lasting 6-18 months. Without medication, it tends to progress in severity over the next few decades of life.
What are the implications of female pattern hair loss?
Many studies have shown that hair loss is not just a matter of formality, but also causes significant psychological distress. Compared with women who were not affected, and those affected have a more negative body image and less able to cope with daily work. Hair loss can be associated with low self-esteem, depression, and introversion, and feelings of attraction. It particularly difficult to live in a society that places great value on youthful appearance and attractiveness.
I hope that any hormone tests done?
Your doctor may arrange blood tests, which include male and female levels of sex hormones as well as thyroid function, as part of the diagnostic workup for the loss of your hair.
The majority of women affected by FPHL do not have underlying hormonal abnormalities. But few women with FPHL found the presence of excessive levels of androgen. These women also tend to suffer from acne, irregular menstruation and excess hair on the face and body. These symptoms are characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS]), although the majority of women with PCOS] do not experience hair loss. Less in many cases, inflation may be congenital adrenal gland is responsible.
What treatments are available?
Treatments available for FPHL Although there is no cure. It is important to manage expectations when seeking treatment, and the goal is to slow or stop the development of hair loss rather than encouraging the growth of hair. However, some women do not experience hair re-growth with treatment. Mixed results, and it is not possible to predict who may or may not benefit from treatment.
Two approaches commonly used to treat FPHL involving the use of Minoxidil lotion on the scalp, and hormone therapy, or oral medications that prevent the effects of androgens. Once started, treatment needs to continue for at least six months before the effects are, and it is important not to stop treatment without discussing it with your doctor first. The long-term treatment is usually necessary to maintain the benefits.
Cosmetics include camouflage colored hair sprays to cover the thinning areas on the scalp and hair does the powder, fiber, hair wigs. Hair Transplantation for FPHL becoming more popular despite the fact that not everyone is suitable for this procedure.
Where do I go for help?
Your first stop will be to see a general practitioner), which can lead to a medical workup to exclude other causes of hair loss. Your doctor can refer you to a dermatologist for the management of more FPHL. In some cases, it may be necessary for your doctor for a scalp biopsy to confirm this diagnosis.
It is important to get reliable information and advice from reliable sources, as there are many bogus treatments that are expensive and not working.

endometriosis causes

endometriosis causes
Cause of endometriosis is unknown. Some experts believe that travel a piece of the lining of the uterus once again through the fallopian tubes, and pass in the pelvic cavity (space inside the pelvis that contains the genitals). A small piece of tissue can provide the surfaces of the genitals. During the menstrual period, and the tissue bleed, just like the endometrium inside the uterus. Blood gets trapped in the fabric of place. Can become swollen and the surrounding tissue inflamed. Over time, scar tissue and cysts can form.
Back menstruation theory (transtubal migration theory) suggests that during menstruation some of the tissue during the menstrual support of the fallopian tubes, and implants in the abdomen, and grow. Some experts believe that all women experience some menstrual tissue backup and that the immune system or hormonal problem allows this tissue to grow in the women who develop endometrial cancer. Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue is distributed from the uterus to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or through the blood system. A genetic theory suggests that it may be in the genes of certain families or that some families may be predisposing factors of the lining of the uterus.
Transplant surgery has also been mentioned in many cases where I found the lining of the uterus abdominal scars, although it has also been found in such scars when accidental implantation seems unlikely. Another theory suggests that remnants of tissue from the fetus when a woman may later develop into endometriosis, or that some adult tissues retain the ability to have the embryo to transform reproductive tissue in certain circumstances.
Lining of the uterus may be caused by something called "menstrual flow back", which in some tissues to speak to women during the period of inflows to the basin. While most women who get some periods of menstrual flow backwards, and not all of these women of the lining of the uterus. Researchers are trying to detect other factors that may cause tissue to grow in some women, but not in others. Lining of the uterus as it happens in rare cases, men also seems it can not be cured by a hysterectomy seems that this idea is very far-fetched.
There is another theory about the cause of endometriosis is that it is hereditary. Can this disease may be hereditary, or it can result from genetic errors, which makes some women more likely than others to develop the condition. If researchers can find the specific gene or genes relevant to the lining of the uterus in some women, genetic testing may allow health care providers to detect endometriosis much earlier, or even prevent it from happening at all.
Researchers to explore other possible causes as well. Hormone estrogen, a hormone involved in the reproductive cycle of females, and it seems to promote the growth of the lining of the uterus. Research is continuing to consider in the lining of the uterus and disease of the endocrine system. Another view is that in some women, their immune system does not remove the menstrual fluid in the pelvic cavity properly, or chemicals made by areas of endometriosis may irritate or promote growth of more areas. Other researchers are studying the role of the immune system to stimulate either the reaction of the lining of the uterus or the lining of the uterus that may be an autoimmune disease. Other research focused on determining whether environmental factors, such as exposure to man-made chemicals, cause inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Further research in an attempt to understand what, if any, factors influence the course of the disease.
Dr. Deborah Metzger has been working on the idea that the lining of the uterus is in fact an allergic reaction. We found that patients with apparently a large number of allergies, including sensitivity to their own hormones such as progesterone, LH, estrogen, and also to candida (yeast). Theoretically, for patients who are sensitive to hormones, estrogen levels can be treated with progesterone or in the form of a "pill" actually cause the lining of the uterus to become much worse, depending on the particular sensitivity to them, and a pill that they take. By addressing these allergies, and sometimes combined with surgical excision, they found that this seems to provide relief.
Another important area of the National Institutes of Health Research is the search for signs of the lining of the uterus. These signs are materials submitted by, or in response to endometriosis that health care providers can be measured in the blood or urine. If you find signs, can health care providers to diagnose endometriosis by testing women's blood or urine, which may reduce the need for surgery.

endometriosis pain

endometriosis pain
This pain treatment endometriosis site dedicated to identifying treatments for Otover information about how to deal with the pain that accompanies the lining of the uterus. This will be achieved on this site through the exchange of information on the effectiveness of treatment, and relevant educational content and standards that exist or not, said sources in the area of advocacy, and research on a variety of sources.
This site has been designed to be a place where women who suffer from inflammation of the lining of the uterus can come to share what treatments have worked and those that did not materialize.
Through the collection here and working together, we can continue to educate ourselves and others through the exchange of our experiences with and strategies for dealing with the pain associated with inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Through this exchange of information, and will determine the tried and proven, the latest and greatest, as well as, alternative therapies, each with a common goal to identify and obtain effective and non-effective information for the treatment of inflammation of the lining of the womb I was in the speed of the Internet.
This site is dedicated to providing treatment and knowledge help you, the answers to your questions, and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the myriad of treatments and sources of treatment exist. By working together through the exchange of information, we can identify the treatments that we can live with; treatments that are safe; treatments that are safe and the United Nations, and most importantly, treatments that are effective in dealing with the pain of this disease. We wish you the best days of pain-free, and we look forward to your participation.

endometriosis infertility

endometriosis infertility
According to medical statistics is estimated that infertility can affect about 40% of women with endometriosis
Infertility can be one of the consequences of inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Women are not only dealing with the debilitating disease but also in fear of not being able to bear children.
But let's not paint a bleak picture here. It is fortunate that not all women who suffer from infertility, the lining of the uterus. (If all women who have endometriosis and infertility, and birth rates fall to a large extent and rush to find a successful treatment of this disease and it is hoped to be implemented.)
Interestingly, it was found that between 30 to 40 percent of women who had undergone abdominal operations telescope as part of the evaluation of infertility and found to have inflammation of the lining of the uterus. This is when women are finally diagnosed with the disease by default.
There seems to be a number of mechanisms by which the effects of endometriosis on fertility. Scarring, or adhesions in the pelvis, for example, may cause infertility. The fallopian tubes and ovaries may join the lining of the pelvis or to each other, and restricting their movement. The scar tissue and adhesions that are under way with Endometrisois may mean that the ovaries and fallopian tube is not in the right position, and therefore the transfer of the egg to the fallopian tube can not be done. Similarly, it can cause severe damage in the lining of the uterus migratory and / or blockage inside the fallopian tube, and to impede the march of the egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus.
Another factor that can cause infertility for women with endometriosis, may be excessive production of prostaglandin. These are hormones that play an important role in fertilization and embryo transplantation. A surplus of prostaglandins may interfere with these processes.
Because it often causes inflammation of the lining of the uterus intercourse painful, may fail couples to have intercourse during the time of the most fertile women, which clearly hamper the possibility of pregnancy.