Friday, November 6, 2009

Healing Yoga Poses

Healing Yoga Poses
If you decide that you intend to do and only one exercises a day, and I would like to tell you to choose this one. It is called Paschimothan Astana, or simply forward Bend. This is a fantastic position and also goes by some other names, such as sitting head to the soles of the feet and the return of Booz Booz stretch.
This is also an essential element of kundalini yoga, according to kundalini yoga, but is an extension of the basic, which should lead every single day. This is all part of the Hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, and it is part of every e-books, free online exercises stances, photos and graphics free kundalini yoga poses in e-book.
Hatha yoga, can be classified this Asana yoga is both, and the status of bending forward or sitting position.
The reason for this is what is strongly recommended, because when it comes to healing and longevity, and any other position is still effective. Spontaneous healing, miracle healing, healing and conscious, all of which were attributed to do Paschimothan Asana. As if this were not enough, and this is also other important health benefits, which are detailed below illustration.
Thanks to my wife Trupti for clarification following the return of a fine stretch Booz. Yes, I managed to tear her away for a short period of children to help in the blog again. You will find the contribution of singing in this article, and the greatest Vedic mantra devotional, and below I've got it to develop their technical skills to good use as well as in the exchange of ... Of course, to do the work of countless homes and a change dirty diapers ... So I hope you all appreciate the effort here
Back stretching exercises Booz practice Details:
A. Step by step instructions back stretching exercises Booz:
* Sit with legs extended straight in front of you.
* Make sure the legs and feet parallel, pointing straight up.
* Access to the front of your hands and hold your legs at the lowest possible level without bending the knees.
* If you can hold your toes This is a great, if not, arch them back towards you while holding your legs, knees or thighs. This will ensure you are stretching from the calves and nerves.
* You can also access to your feet, and ensure you are bending from the waist and try to keep straight due to the time as possible. In an attempt to make forehead to the knees if possible.
B. Stretching exercises for the return of Booz:
* 1 min - 5 minutes.
c. The benefits of stretching exercises return Booz:
* Yoga is an excellent work on healing the natural and spontaneous.
* Gives health and longevity.
* Expand your entire nervous system, especially on the sciatic nerve stretching, and length, according to kundalini yoga, and is directly linked to the length of your life.
* Asana and also promotes flexibility and strength in the hamstrings and calves.
* The entire stretch back, with a focus on the lumbar spine.
* An excellent position to tone and renew the entire system in the digestive system, and all the important organs in the digestive system. And the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidney, intestines and stomach all benefit from this pose.
* Help in the fight against obesity.
* Help to resolve the obstacles that are running along shushumna (psychological primary channel for the flow of prana and kundalini. To learn more about this topic, see kundalini seven Chakra System Overview).
D. Tips for the practice of stretching exercises return Booz:
* Do not stress too When you do this extension. When they do form, starting gently and stretch as your body gets warm, to extend the period as well.
* Try not to hunch over as much, in an attempt to focus, instead of bending forward from the hips.
* As a variation to hold your toes, you can instead of holding the big toes only, and undone.
* It is more important to keep your legs, respectively, than it is to reach your toes.
* Try to keep running back to a time as possible.
* As an additional to this chakra meditation and breathing is, as you inhale feel or imagine being developed in the field of energy from the soles of your feet, the length of the back of the legs to the base of your spine, and then your breath, imagine miss the energy center of the spine and the through the crown of your head. Continue to do long deep breathing in this way is held as in the pose.

Yoga For Runners

Yoga For Runners
While there is a mile and a medium-range, and your foot will strike the ground 1,000 times. The power of each of them on foot about three to four times your weight. It is not surprising, then, to listen to the runners complain of bad backs and knees, tight hamstrings, and sore feet.
Pain most runners feel is not working in itself, but the imbalances that running causes and aggravation. If you bring the body into balance through the practice of yoga, you can run long and hard for years to come. Although yoga and running are located on opposite sides of the spectrum exercise, and they do not need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, respectively, and yoga to have a good marriage of strength and flexibility.
Runners who stick with the operation are likely structurally balanced individuals who can handle the pressure of the test material with a minimum of comfort. However, many of the runners do not escape from the imbalances that are running enter. In many cases, they suffer from chronic pain, and suffering from injury.
A typical runner experiences of many of the bombing, and tightening, shortening of muscles and not enough restorative, and elongating, and loosening of work. Without opposition movements, will make up the body to avoid injury by working on the instability. Compensation puts stress on muscles and joints, and skeletal system as a whole.
If you are in a state of disequilibrium, every step you take forces the muscles to work harder in compensation. Access to tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles get weaker. Tight muscles and brittle, hard, and inflexible. Because muscle serves as a natural shock absorbers, and ideally should be soft, compliant, and flexible, giving some. Muscle fragile, on the other hand, causes the joints to rub and grind, making them vulnerable to tears.
Muscle stiffness caused by hostility always train in the sport "specific" way, perform certain actions over and over again and focus on the technology of Foreign Affairs. Repetition of the sports training or any specific results in the fitness structural adjustment out of shape, and the body is too tight.
Yoga centers inward focus your attention on body movements rather than focusing on the result of Foreign Affairs. Runners can be used to practice yoga to achieve a balance between strength and increase range of motion, and the training of body and mind. Modes move your body through the dimensions of gravity, while teaching you how to coordinate the breath with each movement of a hidden agenda. Result in the end is that the body, mind and soul and integrated in all actions. Consistent and regular basis through the adaptation of Asana, you can access, enhance, The Center calls on all the muscle groups of self, which supports the stability and the skeletal system. This can offset the effects of hostility and training in one-dimensional.
Body Wisdom
In addition to addressing physical strains of running, yoga teaches cultivation of body wisdom and confidence. You can also develop a deeper understanding of the body and how it works, you become able to listen and respond to messages the body sends you. This is particularly important in the operation, where the body produces a lot of endorphins. These "feel good" chemicals also dual nature as painkillers, which can mask the pain and the appearance of injury or illness. Intuition developed without the body, it is easy to ignore the body signals.
Awareness and translate into daily workouts as well. Did you know that through the practice of yoga that every day is unique, just like each run. Your energy levels fluctuate daily, even hourly, and therefore it is important to have a sense of the reserves. The calm that follows from the practice of yoga allows you to manage and save your energy. You can learn how to feel where you are on a given day and what resources must be given. Therefore, you do not pay the power of all mindlessly during the workout your body but to respect the restrictions.
You can, however, and to maximize the different levels of energy by focusing on the other hand nonkinetic yoga: relaxation. When you are able to achieve your body in a state of relaxation, you become more efficient in the use and maintenance of power. If you are in the muscles contracted state is narrow, and limited range of motion, chronic pain your body requires more energy for all activities, which included the run. Relaxation allows you to burn energy at a level more efficient. The increase in the strength and means a great deal of freedom of movement, and ultimately, more enjoyment of all your physical activities.
Tension is the athlete of the fall, and awareness of breathing is the key to reduce that. Aware of breathing exercises and pranayama, which was organized calm sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and relax the whole body, can be of great benefit to runners.
I know that many runners VO2 Max improving aerobic capacity is vital to running and racing success. Second place with a high VO2 Max has the ability to pump large amounts of oxygen-rich blood in the muscles. Maximum oxygen consumption is the critical variable determining the physiological performance and endurance of athletes. Pranayama with Asanas and adapt, you can increase the size of your pump and the amount of comment from fresh blood through your body. And the practice of yoga can be fairly strong to increase the capacity of oxygen.
Prevention of Pain
Even more relaxed and focused runner can face the curse of injuries for all athletes. Damage to the runner's body is often the result of excessive, rather than collision or fall. All of this is due to you thinking in that balance, and balance, and alignment.
The body is the sum of its parts and weakness, and one affects them all. Once again, bad will affect the ankles, knees weak, as can not get rid align your hip. For example, Chen fragments are the result of the fault seems simple: the unequal distribution of weight, which begins with the way the feet strike the ground. Every time the foot hits the pavement is uneven, and torque profile travel to the station, causing the muscle pain and anger to the top and bottom of the leg known as the Shin shrapnel.
Knee pain, too, is related to other parts of the body. If the weak hips, ankles and not biased, which can put pressure on the ligaments in the front knees. Is designed to work like a train on the track, and thrown into the knee in the absence of balance is equivalent to a train derailed. A proposal for continued progress, and hip flexors shorten and tighten and can cause hyperextension of the lower back. This position consistently arched take the strain in the back, and may hinder the liquidity hamstring muscles as well.
What does this mean the feud with pain in his lower back? Painful heel condition? First of all, do not ignore the body signals. Take a break when your body needs one. When you learn to feel comfortable occasion. Secondly, the start of the integration of yoga positions in the warm up and cool down parts of the exercise. Think in the operation of the linear part of your workout and yoga as complementary to the circular.
There is no need to be sidelined because of injuries and discomfort resulting from the operation of your program. Chronic infections can ultimately self-correction through the gentle yet consistent practice of yoga. Remember, your body is on your side. And has the intelligence potential of creating a state of equilibrium no matter how many times your feet hit the pavement.

Yoga Therapy

What Is Yoga Therapy?
Now a days, yoga is taken as fitness, and showing off, or a symbol of social status of 'class society' which celebrity says that he / she practices yoga, and then become a status symbol when the patient is advised by his family physician or a specialist to practice yoga, you must become a kind of something like 'prescribed medication' in most cases, so people will not find any yoga teacher or studio needs to be a special occasion, demands, and think about the budget or yoga is not a 'once a week' type of practice. It is a way of life, which one should live for 24 hours and throughout life requires dedication, commitment and regular practice. Yoga is not at all fitness only or the type of recreational activity fun!
Here I am trying to explain that the reason the simple practices of yoga and yoga therapy is different? Yoga is a practical science, the Indian Psychology with ideology and technology: a system to enhance the holistic harmony in the physical, mental, emotional, social and, finally, at the spiritual. When this balance is disturbed by an accident or illness or disorder or stress resulting from any disease: physical or mental health. Yoga can help to restore, and help to cure or manage the disease. Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yoga practices for people who suffer from health problems. Despite the regular yoga classes can improve public health and the settlement of minor complaints, but may be ineffective or even potentially harmful to the dangerous conditions. In such cases, can be treated with yoga to help people through the adaptation of life style of yoga to their individual needs, taking into account their health problems, flexibility, capability, capacity, habits, and constitution and circumstances.
Yoga therapy practitioners are qualified yoga teachers with more training in human physiology, anatomy and applications of yoga to medical conditions. Yoga therapy uses practices from India, which dates back thousands of years, which is part of the traditional Indian system of health care. Research trials show that the critical practice of yoga therapy are among the most effective way known to the management of psychosomatic diseases, disorders, stress related conditions, which have become commonplace today. This is because yoga in reducing the gap between the body and mind, which extends across the entire spectrum of the material to the mental, of the total of the subtle.
As is the case in medical science and we all know that there are many medications available in the market. Even the details written on drugs such as doze, and it contains what vehicles? So that it can help pharmacists, but then why go to the doctor? Is a physician who decides and gives you the right to take the money and which is suitable for you and the patient. Doctor know the nature of the patient and what is possible through improving the conditions of his years of practice and experience. Similarly, practices yoga pants: a, Pranayams, kriyas etc. known to all ages and there are thousands of books available in the market of the ancient texts of more modern approach with CD s and DVD. With the details that make up what is good for the type of problem? Very few explain its limitations. Because when it should not do or practice of any particular method or form in certain circumstances, the same plus a study, but with differences and streamline the various versions. It's Yoga processor knows that that imposes itself is going to help a specific problem, issue or disagreement should be done by the client, which takes any special class of a particular problem.
Here I would like to emphasize that the cause of yoga therapy is more effective than other treatments. Allopathic science has only two tools with them to fight again with any illness or disorder: medicine and surgery. Medicine masks the symptoms and surgery to remove the problem temporarily, but there is potential for redevelopment and even medical science is also non-specific when it comes to its effectiveness. After all men have invented all these sciences, so it can not be as perfect as Nature Yoga - Science based on the laws of nature. We all accept that the human mind can not be comparable with Mother Nature. After all what Mother Nature makes and creates men and therefore, there is always a limit in the man discovered Yoga offers a variety of tools. It is appropriate to meet the individual needs, circumstances and capacities and capabilities. It provides raises, breathing techniques, Mudras, Bandhas, cleansing techniques, relaxation techniques. And provides physical, mental as well as training in five main sections: a classic - Astanga yoga, hath yoga, Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Jnana yoga. A person in the exercise of any function: standing, sitting or planting. It offers everything, and covers the full range of human life 'womb to the grave - from birth until death'. It deals with the root causes of this problem and helps to remove the cause not just symptoms. Under certain conditions are those that can not be cured, because it helps patients to deal with this problem and helps to maintain the conditions so do not go from bad to worse!
Yoga therapy starts with a one-to-one consultation to verify the requirement and the associated health problems and factors related to lifestyle related. This is followed by a series of one-to-one or group courses. Yoga therapy starts with very simple flexibility exercises, followed by simple poses, breathing techniques and simplification and relaxation in the end, so that clients can begin to practice and benefit immediately, even if it were not previous experience of yoga. Yoga therapy is very safe, and when taught by qualified yoga therapist. In addition to assistance in the management of the current situation, it often brings the benefits of other health through education. Yoga therapy enables people to take care of their health, making them independent, and thus lead to patient satisfaction and reducing expenditure on consultations, drugs and medicines. The most important is that it helps protect you from the side effects of drugs. Yoga therapy is based on the laws of nature and therefore it is quite harmless, and the natural way of healing. Thus yoga therapy is part of the treatment, for the treatment and prevention.
NOTE: The Encyclopedia of Family Health, Published in 1991, with two editions in 1998 and 2005 editions, authored by Dr. David B.. Jacobi from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert M.. Youngson of the Royal Society of Medicine - Volume 1-18 Yoga has coverage under two categories: (1) treatment and recovery (2) prevent and diagnose diseases.
This proves that the yoga of Indian health care practices have crossed borders in the past because of their originality and practical positive results that have been approved by allopathic practitioners of the Ages and now.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yoga Breath

Yoga Breath
With the continuous increase in the incidence of lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular and nervous system disorders, that the time has come for us to address this ourselves, fair and square without relying on the outside.
Did you know that the reprogramming your natural breathing technique would not only help to prevent these problems, but also help in the "coup" for several conditions of such harmful? Yes, it is not only possible, but also proved. In fact, leading experts in the heart is to advocate for the benefits of "correct" breathing room for their patients.
Surprising as it is, almost no one of us use the full capacity of our equipment in the respiratory tract. This situation is exacerbated because of our lifestyles and stable lead to several complications popularly called - trouble in life.
The first question that comes to mind is - "How do I change my normal breathing process?" Well, amazing as it may seem, it's true. By training the body to breathe in a special way, and we have a program for the voluntary system of adoption of this new way of breathing.
This technique in breathing is called the "Full Yogic breath" or simply Yoga breathing.
Without wasting time, and will sink right away to the benefits of this approach followed by an overwhelming majority.
First, lie on your back, relax, with hands and legs outstretched and eyes looking up at the ceiling. Gently close your eyes and relax.
Step 1: diaphragmatic
Control normal breathing. You will notice that when inhaled abdomen rise and then falls with exhalation. Watch this for a few moments to check this flow. Now begin to deepen and expand and extend that movement. That is, while inhaling, and to allow the rise to a certain extent in the abdomen and exhalation let it fall completely. Still keep on his chest during the whole process - but to act in the abdomen. Continue this for 20 breaths and then the rest.
Step 2: the thorax (chest) breathing
Once again, we note normal breathing, and this time pay attention to the chest. You will notice the chest moving slightly up and down with inhalation of breath. Once again, we note this pattern for a few moments. Once again, begin to deepen and expand and extend that movement. This time, to inhale the expansion and upgrading the rib cage, filling the lungs completely. Then in the exhaled breath, and allow the lungs to collapse completely, and drowning in the range. In this step, remains on the abdomen, moving only in the chest. Do it for 20 sessions and then stopped breathing
Step 3: Full Yogic breathing
Combine these 2 steps above, as follows:
First inhale by filling the abdomen and then continue inhaling as you expand and fill the chest. Then exhale first from the chest because it empties and falls and then continue to exhale from the abdomen and went to the home completely. This is one round of yoga and breathing fully. Repeat this for 20 rounds.
Remember ... Pattern of breathing - the abdomen and chest; exhale - chest and abdomen.
The golden rule: All the above steps must be done without strain. The natural tendency is to breathe without effort. The right way is to make it smooth and effortless. Go slow and easy.
At the outset will face inequality or bumps in the process of breath - as if there are 4 separate parts of yoga breathing full. This is normal because we have spent years in breathing incorrectly.
Instead, in an attempt to portray this as breathing pattern, such as continuous wave - as if that self-moving up from the navel to the throat with every inhalation and then down the throat to the navel with each exhalation. It may take a few weeks of practice to master, "to facilitate the flow pattern with minimum effort and maximum capacity."
This is the desired effect! Over time, the way of yoga breathing naturally to you.
And now benefits all important ...
Yoga and breathing is full of the basic building block for a strong yoga techniques in breathing, also called 'Pranayama' in Sanskrit, is known for multiple benefits.
But the tangible benefits of the full yoga breathing is that it:
Leaflets acute and chronic muscle tension around the heart and digestive system.
And help those who suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma and emphysema, to overcome the fear of shortness of breath. It actually increases lung capacity.
Encourages proper nervous stimulus to the heart and blood vessels
Dramatically reduces anxiety and nervous
Improves detoxification through increased exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
Compounded by the auto immune system by increasing the energy distribution of the endocrine system
Calm the mind and integrates mental / physical balance.
The real icing is that it contributes to both vitality and relaxation through the practice one.
Strong with all these benefits the tour, you really need to be "motivated" to get going?
And move forward, and take responsibility for your life like never before.

Lotus Yoga

Lotus Yoga
Ear concerted effort may be required to make this advanced yoga postures are feasible.
In the Sanskrit language 'Padma' means 'Lotus', and in this yoga posture of the leg position looks like a blooming lotus, hence the name. This cross-legged yoga position and head straight back to stay alert and pay attention to, which is why the Lotus posture has been practicing yoga is very important because it is the most suitable concentration and meditation.
Lotus yoga pose yoga is a wonderful gesture, but it is not as a deliberate gesture of most people's reality. It is placed in the knee and hip joint pressure, caution should be exercised mostly by the novice.
Lotus stimulate the pelvis, spine, abdomen and bladder. Sacral nerve blood flow to the legs the same color redirected to the abdomen, stimulate the digestive process. It applies pressure on the spinal nervous system to relax this effect.
Lotus is a beautiful gesture with many interests. However, in this yoga pose some health conditions should not be implemented.
Three important reasons not to Lotus yoga postures:
* If you have a weak or injured knees to avoid such a stance, because its place is a lot of pressure on the knee.
* If you suffer from sciatica, do not attempt this yoga posture.
* In the ankle injury situation does not implement this position.
Note: Be sure to check with your doctor, if you have any questions or concerns, on this position for you. Preferably in the implementation of this existence of a qualified yoga teacher yoga postures.
Pm in the practice of Subodh Gupta, Yoga Hatha Yoga experts in London, the people's interests. Mr.Subodh Gupta, an enterprise has conducted more than 500 yoga instructor yoga and stress management workshops.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yoga Exercise

Yoga Exercise
Each Asana helps you to become more aware of your body, mind, and the environment. While beginning your yoga exercises, and experiment with poses, moving in and out as you feel comfortable. If you approach poses with playful curiosity, a sense of frustration and competitiveness will not enter your mind. While practicing your yoga exercises, make sure you do not feel any distress or pain.

Yoga and breathing pauses

Breathing is an essential part of the practice of yoga exercises. You should not hold your breath during the pose. Also make sure that you have the same never forced or strained. Labored breathing is a sign that you are you are working very hard, and should be put out of a little bit.

When one starts practicing yoga, one can be held for three full breaths through most yoga. If you feel comfortable in the poses, and a contract for a longer period, if it is not convenient, and should be put out of immediately.
Types of Yoga Poses

Sitting poses - Seated poses are useful for the practice of breathing exercises and relaxation or meditation techniques. Sitting poses are also often used to warm up or as a springboard to formulate others. Port is a root that can help improve your posture and open the hips.

Standing poses - Standing poses are often used to warm up or as a springboard to formulate others. Standing poses useful for strengthening your legs, opening the hips and improve your sense of balance.

Replacement - contrary put on an excellent performance to improve circulation, calm your mind and improve your overall health. Substitution are also believed to reverse the aging process, and reduce the effect of gravity on the body.

Relaxation and restorative poses - It is important to take sufficient time to perform relaxation or restorative poses at the end of each practice yoga. You can use this time to relax the body and mind and allow the energy released by the poses in your practice to move freely in all parts of the body.

Combat is - The fight against the yoga pose your spine, which extends in the opposite direction from the previous or form the backbone of your back neutral position.

Twirl - you can lead fluctuations on expansion and strengthening of your back and abdominal muscles, and increase the flexibility of your spine, improving blood circulation. Perm improve the performance of your internal organs by providing them with a new supply of blood as you twist and release of your body.

Balancing poses - a large budget to improve your level of balance and coordination as well as developing your ability to stay on the ground in the pause. Keeping your body balanced encourages you to focus and calm and balance your mind.

Forward bends - Forward bends over the back of the whole body, especially your hamstrings. Bend forward, are also often used to release tension and calm your mind and calm the nervous system. Similar to the support and bends, forward bends help keep the spine strong and flexible.

Back bends - Back bends are among the most challenging was the yoga. Bending backwards to help force your back and keep your spine strong and flexible. Curves is also due to open the front of your body, especially your chest.

yoga posture

yoga posture
Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga. Go slowly, especially in the beginning, and listen to your body. He knows what it can do. If he says "stop," stop. Do not push it. Yoga is not a competitive sport. You can not win points for matching a picture in a book (or on a Web site). If you are a very difficult, you probably will not enjoy it, which may hurt yourself. Whenever possible, work with teachers, and the use of books, videos and websites to supplement your classroom instruction. Most important of all, stick with it. If you practice, will improve. You will feel better. Jay Bhagwan.
The chart below describes some of the basic yoga positions. And can be performed in the sequence of the system. When you are familair with the positions, and try some vinyasas, or flow yoga, and listed for in the column to the right.
Classical positions
Sit / plain Center - Sukhasana
The starting point that will help to focus awareness on breathing and body; help to strengthen the lower back, groin, open the hips.
Sitting cross-legged with his hands on his knees. Focus on your breathing. Keep your spine straight and push sit bones in the basement. Allow the knees gently lower. If the height above the knees, hips, and sit on a pillow or a cluster. This will help support your back and hips. 5-10 breathtaking, and very slow. On the next inhale, raise your arms above your head. Exhale and bring your arms slowly. Repeat 5-7 times.
Dogs and cats
Increase the flexibility of the spine
This is in fact a two, one flowing from the other. Begins in the hands and knees. Keep your hands just in front of your shoulders, your legs hip, regardless of the display. As you inhale, tilt the tailbone and pelvis up, and let the downward curve of the spine, dropping the stomach low, and lift your head. Stretch gently. As you exhale, move into cat by reversing the curvature of the spine, which tends to the bottom of the basin, drawing in the spine, pulling up to his chest and stomach, where repeated several times, flowing smoothly from dog to cat, cat back to the dog.
Mountain - Tadasana
Improve the situation, balance and self-awareness.
And deceptive, which in what seems so simple that some students may ask - "Why?" But just as there is more breathing than meets the eye, and there is more to stand as well.
Stand side by side with the feet and hands on both sides, eyes looking forward. Raise your toes, fan them open, then put it back on the ground. I feel your heel, outside of your foot and toes and ball of your foot in contact with the floor. Tilt your pubic bone slightly forward. Lift your chest up and out, but within reason - this is not the army and I was not standing at attention. Lift your head and lengthen the neck by lifting the base of your skull toward the ceiling. Pinkie stretches in each hand downward, then balance that movement by extending the index fingers. Israeli incursion into the floor with your feet and lift your legs, the first of the thighs and calves.
Breathing. Complexity of the situation, but try not to tense. Breathing. As you inhale, imagine the self coming through the floor, rising through the legs and trunk and even in your head. Reverse the process of breath, and breath control while passing the bottom of your head, through your chest, abdomen and legs and feet.
Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat.
On your next inhalation, raise your arms above his head (Urdhava Hastasana), and held several breaths. Lower your arms on the exhale.
In a warm-up, in an attempt coincided drop raising and lowering of your arms with your breath - raise, inhale;, exhale. Repeat 5 times.
Or extended forward Bend - Uttanasana II
Stretch the legs and spine, located in the heart and neck, relaxes mind and body
Begin standing straight up in the mountains constitute or Tadasana. Inhale and raise arms overhead. Exhale, bend at the hips, bring the arms forward and down until you touch the ground. It's okay to bend your knees, especially if you feel strong. They are either ankles or just leave your hands on the ground, and breathing several times. Repeat 3-5 times. On the last curve, which will hold the position for 5 or 10 breaths. Out of the pause, curl upward as if to withdraw yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one over the other, leaving the head hanging until the last.
1. Follow the instructions to form the above-mentioned core, but instead of a contract for a few breaths, come on inhale. Extend your arms forward as you rise up and stand straight and your arms and public expenditures. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat the process 5 times.
2. Go to the form and take a deep breath 3. Inhale and lift your head, but keep your hands on the ground. Connect each index finger around each big toe, exhale and come down. Held several breaths
3. Inhale and lift your head, again keeping your hands on the ground. This time, slide your hands under your feet so that the tips of your toes and touching the heel of your hands. Held several breaths.
4. After bending forward, fold your arms and hang for as long as is comfortable. The very relaxing.
5. Out of the pause, curl upward as if to withdraw yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one over the other, leaving the head hanging until the last.
Trikonasana - Triangle
And extends the spine, and opens the trunk, and improves balance and concentration.
With the beginning of the 3-4 feet apart and feet parallel. Turn your left foot at an angle of 90 degrees to the left and right foot from 45 degrees to the inside. Inhale and raise arms so they're parallel with the floor. Exhale, turn your head to the left and look under the left arm towards your fingers outstretched. Make sure that your left knee in line with your left ankle. Take a deep breath, stretching out to the left, and tilt the left hip and down the upper right thigh. When I stretched as far as you can, and pivot your arms, leave your left hand reach down and come to rest against the inside of your calf, while your right arms points straight up. Turn and look up at your right hand. Breathe deeply for several breaths. Inhale and straighten up. Exhale, lower your arms. Put your hands on your hips and pivot on your heels, so your feet to face the front. Recurrence of the situation on the other side.
Warrior I, I - Virabhadrasana II
Strengthens the legs and arms, improves balance and concentration; builds confidence
Begins in the mountain pose with feet and hands together at the side. Step your feet 4-5 feet apart. Turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Turn your left foot at an angle of 90 degrees to the left so that it is pointing straight out to the side. Slowly bend the left knee and thigh until it is parallel with the floor, but remain behind the knee, either directly or through your ankle. Raise your arms above his head. Then slowly lower them until the left arm pointing straight ahead and right arm pointing backwards. You have focus at a spot and breathing. 4 or 5, take a deep breath, lower your arms, bring your legs together. The opposite position.
Half Shoulderstand Ardha Sarvangasana
Promote the proper function of the thyroid gland, strengthens abdomen, stretches upper back, improves blood circulation, and induce relaxation
Perhaps you remember to do so when he was a child. Lie on your back and lift your legs in the air. Put your hands on your lower back for support, resting on the elbows and lower arms on the ground. Make sure your weight on your shoulders to mid-upper back - not your neck. Breathe deeply and continue to position for a period of not less than breathtaking 5-10, and the increasing complexity with the passage of time. To come down slowly lower your legs, keeping them very straight - a little workout abdominal muscles.

Asana Yoga

Asana Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga Background
Ashtanga yoga is a system of Yoga recorded by the sage Vamana Rishi in Korunta yoga, an ancient manuscript "is said to contain lists of many different groups of asanas, as well as highly original teachings on vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy" (Jois 2002 XV). Text Korunta Yoga "was imparted to Sri T. Krishnamacharya in the early 1900's by the teacher Rama Mohan Brahmachari, and then move to Pattabhi Jois during the period of study with Krishnamacharya, beginning in 1927" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). Since 1948, Pattabhi Jois has been teaching Ashtanga Yoga Shala from the town of yoga, Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute Jois XVI (2002), in accordance with the traditions of the holy Guru Parampara [succession disciplic] (Jois 2003 (12).
Ashtanga Yoga literally means "eight-limbed yoga", as outlined by the sage Patanjali in Sutra yoga. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification of self-disclosure world, and consists of eight spiritual practices:
Yama [moral codes]
Niyama [self-purification and study]
Asana [position]
Pranayama [breath control]
Pratyahara [sense control]
Dharana [concentration]
Dhyana [meditation]
Samadhi [contemplation] (Scott 14-17)
The first four limbs, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama - is the external cleansing practices. According to Pattabhi Jois, defects in the external practices are corrected. However, defects in the internal cleansing practices Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, has not been corrected and can be dangerous to the mind only correct method of Ashtanga Yoga followed (Stern and Summerbell 35). For this reason, Pattabhi Jois emphasizes that the "Ashtanga Yoga method is Patanjali Yoga" (Flynn).
Yoga is the definition of "mind control" [SITA vrtti nirodhah] (Jois 2003 (10). The first step toward controlling the mind and the perfection of Yama and Niyama (Jois 2003 (10). However, it is "not possible to practice by the parties and sub-limbs of gamma and sleeping when the body and the senses are weak and haunted by obstacles "(Jois 2002 17). a person must first take Asana daily practice to make the body strong and healthy (Jois 2003 (10). with the body and senses and thus settled, the mind can be steady and controlled (Jois 2002 (16). with control of the mind, one is able to follow and understand the first two parties (Flynn).
To perform the asanas correctly in Ashtanga yoga, we must integrate the use of vinyasa and tristhana. "Vinyasa means breathing and movement system. For every movement, there is the same one, for example, in Surya Namskar nine vinyasas. Vinyasa and the first is inhalation while raising your arms above your head, and put your hands together, and the second is exhaling while bending forward, placing your hands next to your feet, etc. In this way all asanas are assigned a certain number of vinyasas "(" Ashtanga Yoga ").
"The purpose of vinyasa is for internal cleansing" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). Synchronizing breathing and movement in the asanas blood temperature, cleaning and thinning it so that it may circulate more freely. Improve blood circulation reduces joint pain and removes toxins and disease from the internal organs. Sweat generated from the heat of vinyasa then carries impurities from the body. Through the use of vinyasa, the body becomes healthy, light and strong ( "Ashtanga Yoga").
Tristhana refers to the Union "three places of attention or action: the situation, and the system of breathing and looking around, and these three are very important for yoga practice, and includes three levels of purification: the body and nervous system and brain, it is always performed in conjunction with each other" ( "Ashtanga Yoga") .
Position: "The method for purifying and strengthening the body called asanas" (Jois 2002 22). In Ashtanga yoga, asanas is assembled in six groups. "The Primary Series [Yoga Chikitsa] detoxifies and supports the body. And medium-chain [Club Shodhana] purifies the nervous system by opening channels for the exchange of information and energy. Advanced Series A, B, C and D [Sthira Bhaga] integrate the force and to allow this practice, which require higher levels of flexibility and humility. each level is to be fully developed before proceeding to the next, and the sequential order of asanas to be carefully after each position is the preparation of the next developing strength and balance required to move further "(Pace). Without a serious attempt and reverence towards the practice of Yama and Niyama, however, the practice of Asana is little benefit (Flynn).
Breath: breathing technique performed with vinyasa is called ujjayi [victorious breath] (Scott 20), which consists of puraka [inhalation] and rechaka [Zephyr] ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). "All of the inhale and exhale should be steady, but should be the same along the length of the inhale exhale" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). Over time, should the length and intensity of inhalation and exhalation of increase, that such an increase, which stretches from breathing begins to increase stretching of the body (Scott 21). Long, and even breathing also increases the internal fire and strengthens and cleanses the nervous system ( "Ashtanga Yoga").
Bandhas are the basic components of technical ujjayi breathing. Bandha means "lock" or "ring" (Scott 21). The purpose of bandha is to unlock pranic energy and direct it to club 72,000 [energy channels] of the subtle body (Scott 21). Mula bandha is the anal lock, and bandha uddiyana is the lower abdominal lock ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). Both bandhas "seal in the field of energy, give lightness, strength and health of the body, and help to build strong internal fire" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). Mula bandha operates at the root of the body to seal in prana internally for bandha uddiyana to direct the prana upwards through the nadis (Scott 21). Jalandhara bandha is "to ensure the throat" (Jois 2002 23, n.27), which "occurs spontaneously in the form of flour in many situations because of dristi (" looks "point), or the position of the President" (Scott 23). "This lock prevents the energy pranic [from] escaping and stops any accumulation of pressure in the head when held in breathing" (Scott 23). bandha without censorship, and would "not be correct breathing and postures will give no benefit" ( "Ashtanga Yoga").
Looking Location: Dristhi is the point that staring at one in focus while the performance of asanas ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). "There are nine dristhis: the nose and between the eyebrows, navel, thumb, hands, feet, and even, in the right side and left side. Dristhi purifies the mind and the stability of performance" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). In practice, of Astana, where it considers it purely focuses on inhalation, exhalation, and drishti, the resulting deep state of focus pave the way for practices Dharana and Dhyana, six and seventh limbs Ashtanga yoga (Scott 23).
Education in pranayama can begin after one has learned asanas well and can be exercised with ease (Jois 2002 23). "Pranayama means taking in the power of subtle vital wind through rechaka [Zephyr], puraka [inhalation], and kumbhaka [breath retention]. Only this kriyas, practiced in conjunction with three bandhas [muscle contractions, or locks] and in accordance with the rules, can be called pranayama "(Jois 2002 23). Bandhas and three are "bandha Mola, bandha uddiyana, and bandha jalandhara, and that it should be performed while the practice of asanas and the like" (Jois 2002 23). "When Mula bandha is perfect, and mind control is automatic" ( "Ashtanga Yoga"). "In this way did not start Patanjali yoga. Mulabandha and by using the control in mind, he gradually gained knowledge of yoga" (Jois 2003 (11).
Asana practice for many years with correct vinyasa and tristhana gives the student and clarity of mind and stability of the body, and purification of the nervous system to begin the established practice of pranayama (Flynn). "It is through the practice of pranayama, the mind becomes arrested in one direction and tracking the movement of breath" (Jois 2002 23). Pranayama form the basis for the internal cleansing practices of Ashtanga Yoga (Flynn).
Four internal cleansing practices Pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana and samadhi - bring the mind under control (Stern and Summerbell 35). Upon completion of purifying the mind and the control happens, and six of toxins surrounding the spiritual heart [Kama (desire), krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), lobha (greed), matsarya (laziness) and Mada (envy)] - "It will be one by the other, quite contrary "(Stern and Summerbell 35), and revealed the universal breath. In this way, the correct and tireless practice Ashtanga Yoga under the supervision of the guru "with a subdued mind unshackled from the external and internal organs sense" (Jois 2002 22) ultimately leads one to the full realization of Patanjali's eight-limbed yoga.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hard Nails

Hard Nails
Nail is a very important part of the hands and nails are very important for the outward appearance of you as a whole. Clean hands well with a reduction as well as maintain the nails are fun to look at. Many people can not keep long nails because they tend to break or chip. Nails that are too soft or too fragile and can be a real pain. In order to make your nails soft strong you must follow the following tips:
* Soak nails in warm olive oil every day for 20 minutes
* The patches zero instead of nails soak nails in water mixed with lemon for a few minutes
* Before going to sleep the application of castor oil on your nails
* Hardeners nails or nail polish is a good way to give support to the soft nails
* Whenever the water make sure your nails a touch of dried correctly and the application of hand lotion
* Nail biting nails is harmful so stay away from it
* Vitamin B helps to get strong nails
* Use the least amount of nail polish removers as you can, they destroy the nails
* Garlic is useful to apply the nail minced garlic on the nail

remove acrylic nails

remove acrylic nails
First, walk to the door closer. Then, carefully place the nail in the doorframe. Ready? Great, now close the door. There you go . Acrylic nails are gone!
Well, just kidding, but in all seriousness, and remove your artificial acrylic nails can be every bit as painful that if you do not take appropriate measures to ensure that the procedure is easy and harmless as possible. In order to achieve bare nails the easy way, and you're going to need a few tools:
1. Nail or scissors
2. Nail file
3. Pure acetone (You can find this in any beauty supply store)
4. Large cotton balls
5. Aluminum foil, cut into long slices
6. Orangewood cuticle sticks
7. Nail buffer
8. Olive oil or heavy hand cream
9. Patience - remember how long it took to bring them for? Also, it usually takes at least that long to get started.
Once you have assembled everything, and I suggest you pop in Will and Grace DVD and get comfortable, and the removal of acrylic nails may take some time. And here's what you do:
1. Seize the nail and cut your tips nail down as much as possible - in the shortest you can get, the less acrylic nail you ultimately have to pry off.
2. Using a nail file, any file from the gel or topcoat on your nails acrylic to be more susceptible to the acidic qualities of acetone.
3. Soak ten have cotton balls in acetone until they are completely saturated.
4. One of the soaked cotton ball over each of your acrylic nails.
5. Use foil strips to wrap each cotton-topped fingernail maximum extent possible.
6. Do you enjoy, Grace, Jack and Karen alien at least 20 minutes while still sit and let the acetone work its magic. No cheating! If you remove the foil prematurely, and acrylic and will immediately start to harden again, so just hold your horses.
7. After watching at least an entire episode, peel back the sheets of acrylic nails at one time.
8. orangewood clean with a stick, and get rid of the acrylic right off! It should come off easily, but if there are some stubborn residue, gently buff with a run buffer nails.
9. Finally, massage olive oil or heavy hand cream into your nails and nail bed, and acetone is very drying. Continue to apply oil or lotion at least three times a day over the first few weeks of acrylic nails is shut down - don't forget to do it right before going to sleep! You can certainly keep this ritual for life if you are craving high-nails, soft healthy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dry Nails

Dry Nails
Brittle nails is not usually associated with a medical illness. Brittle nails are a common condition in which approximately 20% of the people, more women than men develop brittle nails. 1 Brittle nails usually break or peel off in horizontal layers, starting at the nail's free end. Brittleness in the pen may be caused by trauma, such as repeated wetting and drying, repeated exposure to detergents and water, and excessive exposure to harsh solvents, such as those in found in nail polish remover. Other possible causes include skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen planus, alopecia areata) as well as endocrine diseases, tuberculosis, Sjogren's syndrome syndrome, and malnutrition. The incidence of brittle nails in the European and North American population is approximately 20%, and women suffer from nail brittleness twice as often as men.
Those on a regular basis will often clean not brittle nails, unless they take the necessary steps to protect themselves from susceptible to such a nail condition. Brittle nails are more of a problem for women with lower estrogen levels. Just as lower estrogen levels are able to cause dry, brittle hair and skin, a similar effect on the nails it. Dry, brittle nails are a problem that many women face. Nails dry in winter, because of intense hands to stay healthy and all the dry air around it due to heaters. Health Nutrition helps to maintain your health and fingernail remedy dry, brittle nails. A deficiency in the B-complex vitamins, especially biotin, will produce ridges along the nail bed. A diet lacking in calcium contributes to dry, brittle nails. Several vitamins and minerals have been proposed for the prevention of brittle nails.
A deficiency of folic acid and vitamin C can lead to hangnails. Insufficient dietary essential oils, including omega-3, causing cracks. Use nail polish remover no more than once a week. Avoid nail polish with acetone sorcerers and remove nail polish at most once a week. You can always get your fingernails into the week if your nail polish chips. cosmetic moisturizers, immediate relief of dryness but last only while they provide applied. For people with mild or intermittent brittle nails, a cosmetic cream can be enough to keep the skin from feeling dry. Use a glass file or an emery board instead of a metal nail file. Even before you learn in only one direction. Therapeutic moisturizers, which have shown to act as a barrier that keeps water from evaporation from the nails. Calcium-rich foods include all dairy foods, especially yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, beans, and sardines.
Dry, Brittle Nails Nutrition Tips
1. Use nail polish remover no more than once a week.
2. Avoid nail polish with acetone sorcerers and remove nail polish at most once a week.
3. Wear gloves.
4. Avoid prolonged exposure to water, like swimming.
5. Avoid exposure to chemicals that irritate the skin and nails.
6. Use hand lotion on your nails, too. Rub it in after you had your hands or taking a shower.
7. Several vitamins and minerals have been proposed for the prevention of brittle nails.
8. Use a glass file or an emery board instead of a metal nail file.

Fungus Nails

Fungus Nails
People find funny-looking nails embarrassing, at least partly because many people assume that it was caused by the fungus (fungal nails). That makes it sound as though they are contagious or caused by poor hygiene.
In reality, "fungal nails" are often not caused by a fungus at all! There are many other reasons why your nails may look different.
What other conditions for fungal nails can be wrong?
Here are a few other conditions you may have in place of nail fungus:
1. Lines and ridges: These are general and can be regarded as normal. They may worsen during pregnancy. A large groove down the middle of the nail by nail biting can be caused.
2. Senile nails: As you age, the nails become brittle, develop ridges and separation of the nail on the low end of the pen. Try to avoid cleaning solutions, and do the nails in the water does not enjoy in order to prevent aggravation of the problem.
3. White or yellow nails due to onycholysis. This means that the separation of the nail from the nail bed. The color you see is sky. The treatment is to trim the nail short, do not clean under them, polish, if you want to hide the color, and wait two to three months.
4. Red or black nails due to a bleeding or blood under the nail, usually from trauma (like whacking yourself on the thumb with a hammer). The discolored area will grow with the pen and cut off as you trim your fingernails. If you have a black spot under your nail that was not caused by trauma, you may want to see a dermatologist to make sure it's not melanoma.
5. Green nails caused by pseudomonas bacteria, which includes a pin which is partially separated from the nail bed growth, thereby producing a green pigment. Of treatment is to trim the nail short every four weeks, do not clean, polish, if you want to hide the color, and wait two to three months. It is also advised to avoid soaking the nail in any form of water (even if inside gloves), and to thoroughly dry the finger at the bad. If the problem persists, there are prescription treatment that your doctor can try.
6. Pitted nails can be with psoriasis or other skin problems associated which the nail matrix, the area under the skin just behind the pin. This is the area where the nail grows. Nails affected by psoriasis can also brown in color.
7. Swelling and redness of the skin around the nail called Paronychia. This is an infection of the skin to the underside of the nail (cuticle). As the acute infection is usually caused by bacteria. It may respond to warm soaks but will often be drained by a doctor. A Chronic Paronychia occurs when a cuticle is inflamed or irritated. Occasionally, yeast will use the damaged skin and the lighting of the area as well. Therapy begins with the preservation of the skin and dry out the water. Sometimes a steroid cream such as HYDROCORTISONE can successfully be used. If the problem persists, a doctor may prescribe antifungal medications.

Healthy Nails

Do you know that your fingernails and toenails potential problems in other parts of your body can give? Healthy nails should typically sport a pink color, but sometimes change in tone and texture, signifying a deficiency in certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
If you want your fingernails healthy and strong, you have changes in the composition and the color of your nails notice. Keep your nails healthy holds a double advantage wonderful fingers and tootsies and a helpful clue to learn if something could be wrong elsewhere in your body. And while we dont necessarily think of nails as gauges of our health in most cases, we certainly do not love getting up and dolled show them off!
To begin your quest for healthy nails, first a commitment to eat healthier foods to make. You can still see the things you love to enjoy, but you must be a conscious effort to eat healthy fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish and eggs, including nail-friendly foods to make.
Enjoy this great food for a healthy nails:
* Apples
* Asparagus
* Brown rice
* Cucumber
* Eggs
* Garlic
* Grapes
* Liver
* Nuts
* Onions
* Salmon
* Sade
* Soy
* Tuna
* Whole grains
If you have a healthy, strong and beautiful nails that last, dont stop the diet. Make a few small changes in your life and you're beautiful nails without the price tag that comes with a trip to the nail salon to enjoy. Avoid biting your nails, buff away rough edges when necessary and make a few other minor changes to the perfect nails to reach youve always wanted.
For many nails, follow these simple tips:
Consume foods containing calcium and zinc. Calcium effectively promotes nail growth. (You know those little white spots that show on your nails in funny places sometimes? Those dots mean that you Arent get enough zinc in your diet.)
Consumed less sugar and less alcohol.
Do your fingernails as tools to use. No picking, picking, poking, prying
Dont bite your nails. Try applying nail polish or painting a bitter-tasting liquid to the nails. Such products are specially designed to assist in their nail-biting habits of people quit.
Dont remove hangnails by drawing with them. Lights out of them with manicure scissors to prevent damage to your skin and tissue to prevent it.
Eat less saturated fats.
Make sure you consume enough protein.
Increase your intake of Vitamin A, B, C, D and E.
Keep your fingernails short to prevent breakage.
Let your cuticles alone.
Moisturizing your nails often. When you apply lotion to your hands, legs or other areas, is sure to rub a little in your fingernails.
Reducing the amount of dairy in your diet.
Trim nails regularly as needed. Use an emery board or nail file to smooth rough edges after trimming and when a pin broke.
If you want to have beautiful healthy nails, it should not cost you a trip to the salon. Committed to a healthier diet, better habits and get some pretty nail polish for an at-home manicure. With a little time, discipline and dedication, you can enjoy healthy, strong and shiny nails with little effort.

Natural Nail Growth

Natural Nail Growth
# The proper length of your pen depends on your activities and your lifestyle. In general, the nail tip should extend no further than a third of the body of the pen. Nails break less often when they are of equal length and shape of square, oval or round.
# Protect your nails from damage. Do your fingernails as tools to use. Rather than using your fingernails, use of other parts of your hand or an implement to perform tasks like dialing the phone or confirming things. Opening of pop cans with your nails is a big no-no!
# Protect your nails from moisture. Detergent and water is very dirty and cause splitting and peeling. Wear gloves when gardening or cleaning to prevent dryness, damage, and loss of natural oils.
# If polish is chipped a nail, part of the pen is exposed to moisture damage and repair chips so as soon as possible.
# Use colored nail polish while you still have your nails, even when they are short. If you prefer a softer look, this is not a pure shade. Colored polish helps you become more aware of your hands and how to use them in a way that keeps your nails to protect, it also makes chips easier to spot so you can restore immediately.
# Long, beautiful nails takes special care and dedication to grow and maintain. Be patient - the average nail takes 3 to 6 months to grow, and nice.
Nagel General Information
Many things determine nail growth, and each fingernail will grow at different rates. Heredity and health determine how fast nails will grow, although slower growth than we age. Nails grow faster in summer than in winter, and faster during pregnancy. After a pregnancy, the rate drops back to normal. Age also has an impact on the growth rate with nail growth peak between 10 and 14 years and slowly declining after the age of 20. Some of the things that slow nail growth include are paralyzed, poor circulation, malnutrition, severe infections, psoriasis, and certain medications. Many factors cause changes in the nails causes that lead to reduced levels of strength and flexibility. Excessive washing of hands or the use of household cleaning solutions without protection can rob our skin and nails of cardinal oil and water, which leads to split, peeling nails. That is why you still hear the reminder to wear gloves!
Natural Nail Treatments
I am doing "practice what I preach." I believe that the natural nails can be nice and healthy. You are always inspecting my fingernails are pleased to see that I keep it natural and follow the instructions that I give out to you!