Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lose Weight Tips

Lose Weight Tips
Before you even start reading this looks more to the right, and scored for 21 days of fitness to find out the truth about what it takes to lose fat and get to the best shape of your life. Free!
I have had the lists of tips before, but this is by far the largest list of tips to lose weight that I have ever had done.I also linked to other pages on this site to give you more information.
One thing is to look at this list, and wonder of it's size, but in fact to make the biggest changes in your life you need to make a few simple changes at one time in your life, even life itself, which wants it to be. Even be found on this list, certainly, but more importantly than just a choice of two of the things that you can do now and then come back in a few days to choose a spouse. Also take a look at my fat loss 4 idiots review. Or my burn fat feed muscle-flexing
Great luck to you!
1. Drink lots of water. Our body needs a lot of water in order to give access to water. Water is not just a way to get the poison, but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthy and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing is that the water is has no calories in everything.
2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, dose down a cup of cold water. It's a great way to start you on you only need a smaller amount of your drink and breakfast after that. Cup of water allowed by all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have a morning cup of tea but this is after a cup of water. It is good for you.
3. Drink a glass of water before you start eating a meal. Water naturally needs some space so you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.
4. Be the last cup of water while you're after a meal. Once again this is another way to make yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full in the same way. Instead of drinking one dose, take sips after each summit. It will help the food to settle faster so that you can get this feeling that you are full faster. SIDENOTE: Water is this thing striking, but rarely do we give it the credit it deserves. Did you know that more than 66% of body weight is not only water 'It's amazing! Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I made a lot of space for it, above.
5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks and sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. Whenever it was possible to cut the sugary drinks in a bottle, and the more the better for you. Even if you must drink soda, and then stick to diet sodas.
6. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes (tomatoes) and watermelon. These things contain 90 to 95% of the water so that there is something you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to a million pounds.
7. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. And often sweetened juice, fresh fruit, but has natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits and, of course, are an excellent source of vitamins.
8. If you have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, and try to make you a special fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with a lot of calories.
9. Selection of fresh fruit, processed fruit. Processed and canned fruits do not have a lot of fiber, fresh fruit, processed and canned fruits are almost always sweetened.
10. Increase consumption of fiber. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.
11. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are the best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has spread great when it comes to choosing vegetables. And green leafy vegetables are the best bet. In an attempt to include the authority in the diet for you always.
12. Eat intelligently. The difference between man and animals is that we are driven by intelligence while beasts are driven by instinct. Do not eat something because you feel like eating. You ask whether the report of your body really needs it.
13. Watch what you eat. Keeping a watchful eye on everything going through the adornment can sometimes be more affluent than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that the easiest thing in the world to eat something without knowing it is something you should not be eaten. Selective memory you know '
14. Control sweet tooth. Remember that sweet things generally mean more calories. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other sweets. Easy on theses things and each time you consume something sweet understand that it will be added in somewhere.
15. Fix times for meals, and stick to it. Trying to get food at specific times of the day. You can stretch these times of half an hour, but anything beyond that would affect the pattern of your eating, the result will either be a loss of appetite or hungry feeling that this will make you stuff yourself with more than is required in the next time you as a whole.
16. Eat only when hungry. Some of us have a tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as a pretext for something selves. We understand that the impact of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day of food party. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline quite a bit just to break the saliva so that you appear to your mind and literature at the same time can watch your diet.
17. Quit snacking between meals. Do not fall for snacks between meals. This is particularly true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat snacks and fast food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think of French fries tempting but terribly fattening.
18. Snack on vegetables if you must. You may get from the pangs of hunger between meals. Is something you can not control very well. Or even better, try munching on the islands. It is an excellent way to satisfy those hunger pangs and are good for your eyes and teeth. True, you could end up being called Bugs Bunny, but it is miles better to be called Bugs Bunny than fatso.
19. Easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are not harmful in itself. It's when you add cream and sugar to become fattening. Did you know that a cup of tea or coffee cream, which at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as the presence of a large piece of chocolate cake rich '
20. We are trying to stick to black tea / coffee. Black tea or coffee can actually be good for you. But personally I would like to recommend tea instead of coffee. The caffeine in coffee is not good for you because they are almost alkaline, and can affect other functions of the body such as metabolism.
21. Also counting calories you eat. It's a good idea to have an idea of the calories, most of the food. If the thing packed and the label is sure to get the calories that may be guaranteed.
22. Be sure to burn those extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel that you have consumed more calories than you should be during the week, you know it is happening, then make sure that the work outside those extra calories by the end of the week.
23. Stay away from fried things. Fried things are an absolute no-no. And more things that you can avoid fried foods, and less weight you will get. Fried things are called because they are fried in oil or fat. Even if foreign oil is drained, there is still a lot of oil so they are hidden to stay away from it.
24. Do not skip meals. The worst thing you can do while watching you diet is a meal. It's just the opposite effect to what you want. You need to be at least four regular meals every day.
25. Fresh vegetables better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat vegetables raw. When you cook them, you actually took nearly half of the vitamins. Canned vegetables and processed and also is not nearly half as good as fresh vegetables. When buying vegetables, it would be a good thing to see if the label says it is free of pesticides.
26. Nothing more than an egg a day. These eggs are not a bright idea. It would be better to reduce the consumption of eggs to maybe three a week. But for those of you die hard egg fans, you may have up to one egg a day, but nothing more than that.
27. Make premium chocolates and non-routine. Chocolate is not or at least should not be part of your diet. So as not to indulge in many of them. So bitter chocolate is not good for you for that, although sugar is less there is still cream them.
28. Choose a variety of foods from all food groups every day. This is a good way to save the diseases caused by deficiencies in the Gulf. To change the items included in your diet every day. This is an excellent way to save the diseases caused by deficiencies in the Gulf and it helps you to experience a variety of dishes and there are not bored of your diet.
29. If you can say no to alcoholic beverages please do. Alcoholic beverages and also not good for you. Beer can be fattening and the rest of alcoholic beverages may not be fattening by themselves but after a few Swigs you will be in a position to watch your diet and your appetite too and there will be something to battle with.
30. Trying to get a bed and breakfast within an hour of waking up. It is always better to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that the body can charge itself with the power it needs for the day. The idea is not to wait for your self to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but this does not mean that there should be a meal to fill more than a day.
31. From 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates. It is a myth which says that you should try to avoid carbohydrates when you are dieting. On the contrary, we should say. Carbohydrates are the source of energy, and ready to do so from 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.
32. From 25 to 30% of your diet should be proteins. Various processes and activities taking place in our bodies. Distributed objects, which is being built again. Resistance should be built up, recovery from illness, and also there is a need for all that the body needs large amounts of protein to make sure that 25 to 30% of your diet consists of proteins.
33. Fat should not be from 15 to 20%. You only need this much fat in your diet so keep it at that.
34. And tried to follow a vegetarian diet. And to follow a vegetarian diet is undoubtedly the best for us, we are watching our diet. There are many advantages to maintaining a vegetarian diet but do not want to sing an ode to plant now. What I would suggest is to maintain a vegan diet as much as you can. A non-vegetarian diet a week end event or something if you find it impossible to abandon the deal with all these animals.
35. Choose white meat instead of red. White meat, including fish and birds, is miles better than red meat, including beef and pork for those trying to lose weight.
36. High fiber multigrain breads are better than white bread. I remember how I told you to increase the fiber content in your food; well this is the answer to that. It's not only the best in terms of content of fiber, but also in terms of protein content as well.
37. Reduce the amount of pork. Pork is not something that can help you lose weight. So you eat less pork than you have better chances of losing weight. And remember that pork and pork products, and also includes, things like bacon, ham and sausage.
38. Limiting sugar intake. If you can not go things unsweetened alternatives to sugar. These things are just as desalination, but certainly not fattening.
39. Sponsor of 5 to 6 times a day. Rather than sticking to only three meals a day, in an attempt to grazing. Grazing means try a 5 or 6 small meals instead of three meals the size of the King. It's an excellent way from the presence of small amounts of food.
40. To move forward in dealing with food fraud, but only for flavor. There are a lot of things that you have to avoid from your diet, but you may have a craving did not die for. Not be avoided completely. You could call it the adulteration of foods, and indulge in them once in a while. But only to take care of your taste buds tingle, not about them a pig. Rather than share them with others. In this way
41. Watch your fat. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories so by reading the total calories in the food and know the amount of fat, you can estimate% fat, which should in no case be more than 30% of the food.
42. Easy on salt, and a lot of salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really reduce the salt. In an attempt to bring down your salt intake to half of what it was last year.
43. Change the schedule of cream butter cholesterol free. If you have a choice why not go for that, in any case it is healthier for you and tastes the same way. Keep in mind that these small changes can go a long way towards reducing the weight.
44. Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Bread is by far the healthy way to prepare food from the frying. Bread requires less oil or fat.
45. Use non-stick frying pan for your cooking so you do not have to add oil. The golden rule is to try to avoid such as oil as much as possible non-stick pan is the perfect solution to this problem.
46. Boiling vegetables instead of cooking them, or even better, and eat them fresh. But if you do not like eating your vegetables as it is, try steaming them without adding anything at all. This is probably the best way to deal with cabbage, broccoli and an assortment of vegetables and others.
47. Parsley carry with you. Parsley is excellent for eating between meals. Not only because it is better for you in terms of vitamins, but also an ideal way to make your breath fresher.
48. Selecting alternatives to low-fat or no fat substitutes. There are a lot of low-fat or even no fat substitutes available in the market so why not choose wisely. It is much better for you heart too. Many people just go shopping, pick up what they can. It does not bother to know whether there are alternatives to both the thing that they are looking for. In today's market, and you will be astounded at the variety of goods which are manufactured to offer. In fact with all the cry that is being made about weight loss, low fat alternatives and fat alternatives is a variety of stands faster than mushrooms that sprout after the first rainfall. So the next time you head to the stores instead of taking what you have always taken, find out if there are better alternatives. Remember that our bodies need not only food and calories. Fats give us nutrients but with more calories than do proteins or carbohydrates.
49. Avoid crash diets. Are of poor health and you will get what you have lost once you take a break. Crash diets are not a solution to weight loss. It may seem as if I had lost some weight but at the moment give up on the crash diet every thing will go back with a vengeance. Take a look at it in this way. Do you think it is possible for a person to live on a diet to crash the rest of his or her life, 'Certainly not! So at some time or another, and will have to abandon the crash diet and you will see for yourself that crash dieting does not do more harm than good in the long term. Crash diets may have a lot of promises, but very rarely do these promises real. Meals crash things people go to wear the old dress or suit for a particular occasion. This is the only purpose they serve as far as I can see.
50. God gave us teeth for a reason ... Therefore, we should develop a habit of chewing all food including liquid food and soft foods such as candy and ice cream, at least 8 to 12 times. This is necessary to add saliva to the food, as it is only in the saliva that sugar is digested. In many cases, we find that everything that enters the mouth and down at lightning speed. Almost do not give the saliva any time to work on the food. So as not to the digestion process should be 'Are we just stuff our tummies with food that does not get digested or in other words, do not achieve the benefits that it should be'.....

fast weight lose

Fast weight lose
Weight loss can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot to shed pounds. It may be difficult to sift through all the fad diets, and frankly dangerous supplements and cereals in the market today. How do you know what works and what does not? Who must believe?
Here 10 Tips for nonsense fast, and healthy weight loss:
1) Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day - and this helps the flow of the body of impurities and fat. You can also replace a few glass of water to green or herbal tea.
2) break up your meals to 5 or 6 small ones - and this will help to speed up the metabolism and prevent you from getting too hungry in between meals.
3) Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables - and this is packed with vitamins.
4) reduce the amount of your fat - in an attempt for a period not exceeding 20 grams per day.
5) Exercise for 30 minutes every day - take a walk, or playing with your kids. Just get on the move.
6) Find a hobby - knitting or painting dealt with to keep your hands busy.
7) not to eat a snack late at night - try not to eat at least 2 hours before going to bed.
8) Listen to your body - your body will tell you when it is full, hungry, stressed, tired. Know the signs and obey your body is what I tell you.
9) increase the fiber - choose whole grain pasta and bread.
10) Cleanse and remove toxins - this may be the most important. Rid the body of harmful toxins and chemicals, while allowing them to work normally.
Cleansing is an important part of the long-term weight loss success. Our bodies are loaded with insecticides, pesticides, lead, and dozens of other harmful substances. These chemicals fill our bodies Our internal and response from the coating of these chemicals with layers of fat.
One way to cleanse the body of harmful impurities is using [acai] berry. This is the result of a nutritional powerhouse and will get your body to function normally again, so it can fight disease and illness. It will also allow your body to burn calories and fat faster and more efficient. You will see a faster rate of weight loss, and will be able to maintain fitness.
Acai berry has many health benefits as well, including increased blood circulation, increase metabolism, increase mental clarity and focus

walking and weight loss

walking and weight loss
When you first start out, I was all excited to have tried walking, but after a while you begin to get a little boring, and we all know what will happen next ... We end up not walk one day, and then another and before we know that out of the routine, large walk a little bit. The key is to maintain the attention of even boredom believed not to drown in it.
1. Play some music or audio books.
2. Walking on foot with friends. You can keep each other accountable for a walk every week.
3. Maintain the patrol on foot and record how much you walk each day.
4. Change the course of walking and exploring new neighborhoods and public gardens and parks.
5. To join the group or walking for long distances on foot.
6. Accession to walk on the Internet challenge.
7. Wear a pedometer and challenge yourself to walk more steps each week.
8. To get a game like Nintendo's Personal Trainer Walking.
9. Switch things and do other exercises such as playing a game of basketball or go swimming.
10. Reward yourself with a nice little gift if you are stuck with your walking workout for a month.
11. Sign up for a Charity Walk and training to do so.
12. Challenge yourself with a period of training, where you can mix running and walking.
13. Add some walking poles to keep the workout interesting and challenging.
14. Walk on the path and see how many laps you can do.
15. Bring the kids along for a walk.
16. Go to the rise in the weekend.
17. Walking the dogs in your local shelter or animal or offer to walk a neighbor dog.

Nutrition weight loss

Nutrition weight loss
To lose weight, you have to reduce the number of calories consumed and start to burn more calories each day. Calories from the amount of energy in the food you eat. Some foods and more calories than others. For example, foods high in fat and sugar, as is usually high in calories. If you eat more calories than your body uses, and will store the extra calories and fat in the body and be excess.
A pound of fat about 3,500 calories. To lose 1 pound of fat in a week, you have to eat 3,500 calories less (ie 500 fewer calories a day), or you have to "burn" an extra 3,500 calories. You can burn calories through exercise or just being more active. (Talk to your doctor before you start in the family and any type of exercise program. Your doctor can help you determine what type of exercise program is right for you.)
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat fewer calories and burning calories. If you cut 250 calories from your diet every day and exercise enough to burn 250 calories, and adds that up to 500 calories less in one day. If you do this for 7 days, can lose 1 pound of fat in a week.
Many experts believe you should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week. The loss of more than 2 million pounds in a week usually means you lose water weight and lean muscle mass destruction rather than loss of excess fat. If you do, you will have less energy, and you're likely to gain weight again.

weight loss exercise

weight loss exercise
And you're not in shape to be hard work. But there is a way to ease the pain and still get in shape and lose weight.
The relative scale of 1-10, with 10 the most difficult, and rates ran about 7-8. This is tough work. Diet basics of technology on the level of 3-4, and often leads to better results in the shortest time. The news is great!
So, yes, we offer the easiest way to get the shape and weight ... But it still works.
What is it? Resistance training!
In order to move, walk, pick things up, or throw something, it must overcome the resistance of the muscles involved to complete the work. So it goes on, that resistance training is to add more resistance to force the muscles to work a little harder.
The best way to add more resistance to be added during muscle relaxation.
All this is great, but you really need to exercise? Yes, here's why .
Why do you need to exercise
Statistics show that!
Weight loss exercises need only one statistical, and it's from my own research. I assume he has more than 665 were committed and all I asked was in the second year of dieting is weight gain and exercise do for you. That's all. Any details about the type of weight loss, exercise, and the type of diet they are on, or any of that crap self-reflection/hypnosis it may be an attempt ... Simply because they were not the increase in weight, and it is no longer practiced.
52% gained from the exercise of
92% gained the exercise of
Here's the kicker ... 88% of those that gained weight with exercise and dieting to lose weight is happy with the increase in weight! Why? It is to get muscle not fat.
0% of the dieters gained weight while trying to lose it without the exercise are happy with the weight gain. Why? It's all fat!
I hate to exercise but do so. I used to hate exercise, but you have to do so. It's not as bad as you think.
Exercises that you will not hate
Here is a list of very simple and short of weight loss exercises to try you will not hate:
1. Walking
So it's easy! And just walk for 40 minutes 4 times a week and you can improve your health and help yourself to lose weight.
2. Swimming
This is very easy (if you do not swim)! 20 to 25 minutes 3 days a week is all it takes to become a healthy and a few pounds lighter.
The best approach to swimming is the real start slow. Focus on a couple of strokes, you know how to do already and add new patterns and improve your conditioning.
3. Water Aerobics
Do you think about it ... Easy! And do not have to know how to swim, just do not drift off into the deep end.
This is outstanding for weight loss exercise ... It's a low-impact, aerobic, and provides resistance in all the proposal. Perfect!
Read more by clicking on this link: Water Aerobics
Remember, it's one of my favorite because it's easy.

winter weight

winter weight
You can convert your eye on the table. Mmm. One after another, great heaping dishes of food. Comfort food. Holiday food. I was in the pits, savoring every bite. Now is more than a meal and you are going through that terrible cycle of holiday remorse. Certainly, it's great to be able to indulge in some festive food favorites, but there is always that feeling of guilt afterwards.
Andrea Dmitruk, a registered dietitian in a hospital NewYork - Presbyterian / Allen Pavilion and, he says, you can avoid this psychological turmoil by adopting a more rational approach to holiday eating and exercise. "We will not increase the weight of one meal in itself. Consistency is the key, and if you eat healthy meals during the months before the feast, brag or two can be fit him."
Jane Nelson, registered dietitian at NewYork - Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center, suggests, "Do not deprive yourself of when to treat people need to realize is that eat everything from everything - it's just a question of how much."
They offer the following holiday guide to stay alive; a road map of sorts to maintain your diet and you're straying too far this year.
Planning for the future. Remember "calorie bank" concept. Save calories than a few days before you give yourself more calories to eat during the holidays.
Never go to a party hungry. Snack on fruit and milk fat, and a cup of skim milk or raw vegetables before you leave the party. You will have a great deal less attractive, while I was there.
Control of your environment whenever possible. Never engage in conversation while sitting next to the favorite dish of cookies. Try to remember not to engage in while you chat.
Bring low-fat dish to the party. Share with other guests.
Fill your plate with vegetables and lean protein foods and then add the tastes of "small" high-fat dishes.
Eat slowly and savor every bite. Take 20 minutes for the stomach to signal your brain that you are full.
Decide in advance how they will deal with the gifts of pastries and sweets. Do not leave them in the open so that you tend to binge. The preservation of one or two, and give the rest away.
Limiting the consumption of alcohol. Not only does alcohol contain many calories, but it can also stimulate your appetite and reduce the strength of will. Try wine spritzer, or, better, and avoid drinking alcohol altogether and seltzer or mineral water with the addition of a touch of lime, or non-alcoholic cocktail tomato juice.
Does not allow holiday activity to slow down your exercise program. Exercise can help to burn excess calories and makes you feel good about yourself. Remember to keep your normal routine of exercise, but probably will not take more than a half an hour of your day.
Moderation is the key to maintaining weight. And forkful of cheese will do less damage than an entire piece. Remember, just a fancy from time to time will not destroy your weight loss attempts.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ovary Treatment

Ovary Treatment
What is polycystic ovary ([PCOS)?
When you have multiple cysts on the ovaries that you are suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a disorder of the endocrine glands and is more common than previously thought in the beginning.
The effects of PCOS: Polycystic ovaries can affect women in different ways.
• Women who suffer from polycystic ovaries find it difficult to imagine. While some have unexplained infertility, and the other at irregular intervals, while some do not bleaching at all.
• At least 30 per cent of women with PCOS] is seen as suffering from persistent acne.
• Women with polycystic ovaries are seen to have the body and excess hair in the face.
• Studies have also revealed that some women who suffer from the PCO has a 'male pattern' of hair thinning on the crown of the head and temples.
Reasons for PCs]: [PCs typically occurs during the teenage years or during the late twenties. The symptoms often start after a surprise jump in weight or after stopping the pill. Sometimes it is genetic. Lifestyle factors such as obesity, and bingeing and tension can also lead to the PCO. In a few cases, can cause the PCO of drugs, especially anti-epileptic drug phenytoin.
Home for treatment of polycystic ovaries
Polycystic ovaries in some cases treated with medications to restore hormonal balance and, in some extreme cases, resorted to surgery. The laparoscopic procedure may be necessary.
But you may want to go home remedies for non-invasive.
• Weight Loss: Reducing your weight is the first step and can be done is to bring about a complete change in lifestyle. This includes regular exercise and dieting properly.
• Exercise: [PCs with women should get regular exercise. Increasing physical activity will help to reduce weight, which in turn leads to strike a balance in the levels of hormones. Exercise also low levels of sugar in the blood. Even half an hour of brisk walking or other exercise will prove useful.
• Diet changes: Cut down on fatty foods from your diet. Includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Reduce your consumption of refined sugar also helps, since it has found that women with polycystic ovaries often have high levels of insulin in the blood. This leads to increased production of androgens, which causes periods of poetry in the face and body excessive and irregular. Reduce the intake of sugar help reverse this trend.
• Stress: A person who chronically stressed produce cortisol, which in turn leads to increased production of androgens. Learn to control stress levels to reduce tension. Massage, counseling, and a lot of amenities, such as the practice of yoga, and perhaps all the help.
• Nutrition: Some supplements help to regulate hormonal balance and reduce the production of androgens. These are magnesium, zinc and omega 3 for Ovitamen b, and is available in fish, seeds such as flaxseed and flaxseed.
• Exposure to light: I have found that people often party in weight because they are suffering from bouts of winter depression. In such cases, it is advisable to go out and get some sun excess. This will also help to balance hormone in the body.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are also used for the treatment of polycystic ovaries, but make sure to go to a qualified doctor only.

endometriosis and pregnancy

Endometriosis and Pregnancy
Lining of the uterus and pregnancy are often used in reference to how the lining of the uterus interferes with a woman of the effort to become pregnant. Lining of the uterus is growing cells lining the uterus (the endometrium of the Interior) in places outside the uterus, such as the abdomen - but can transplant cells lining the uterus in any number of places.
These small islands of the "lining of the uterus" (or cells) scatter themselves through the fallopian tube, and planted themselves to the other surfaces such as the uterus and bladder and other pelvic organs.
Endometriosis pregnancy becomes very difficult, partly because of the pain of these cells can cause in general is misplaced, in part because these cells could fill important pathways in and around the uterus.
This increase in the size of tumors, and when the women and menstruation, and growth rates become very painful and inflammed. Often, these growth rates cause scarring, which is painful in itself.
Lining of the uterus and pregnancy-related difficulties in the conception and avoid abortion associated with hormonal imbalance, according to the Harvard-trained physician Dr. John R. Lee.
Women with endometriosis that are able to get pregnant, we find that pregnancy improves the lining of the uterus, and sometimes even causing permanent relief of symptoms.
Most sources of medical information to say that the hormone estrogen helps the growth of the cell, and that "a lot" estrogen encourages "a lot" of cell growth. Since the hormone estrogen causes the cells to multiply, the hormone estrogen is thought to be a factor that causes inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
The hormone progesterone is needed in the body of a woman for a healthy pregnancy in order to survive. , Controls and procedures progesterone of estrogen. May increase estrogen and / or too little progesterone be relevant to the uterus, according to Dr. Lee.
A common question is - does not help to get rid of pregnancy, the lining of the uterus? Again, according to Dr. John R. Lee has decades of experience - with endometriosis in women to delay pregnancy until the age of 30, and they are often unable to get pregnant. When pregnancy occurs, pregnancy often leads to slow progress in the lining of the uterus, and sometimes even treat it.
"Unopposed" estrogen or "estrogen dominance", is linked to the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the uterus, even in some cases leading to cancer of the lining of the uterus. Surgical attempts to remove these cells lead to divergent results, because some cells will be too small to see or simply removed, and will grow again.
The safest and best way to prevent or slow down the lining of the uterus in the opinion of Dr. Lee is the use of supplementary natural progesterone. Natural progesterone will slow down or stop the proliferation of cells lining the uterus.
He treated a number of endometriosis patients with natural progesterone, and noted a great success. Dr Lee advised women to use natural progesterone cream from day 6 to day 26 of each month, using one ounce (ounce) cream every week. Patients reported that more than one group 4-6 months, and monthly pain slowly began to subside.
Dr Lee recommended this approach since other medical treatments that are not successful and have complications and side effects. Lining of the uterus is healing of the menopause.
This is excellent news, because with the natural progesterone cream, you can do something about the lining of the uterus and improve the experience - without the use of synthetic drugs or surgery.
Today, women should be aware of the side effects that can produce many of the synthetic estrogen that is administered by itself. If progesterone levels are limited, can result in the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, fluid retention, and weight gain.
Here is a list of recommendations involving changes to diet, supplements, natural progesterone and other proposals - read more about the lining of the uterus. Lining of the uterus and fibroids is mostly because of the "estrogen dominance", according to Dr. Lee.
Estrogen dominance is defined as if there is a lot of the hormone estrogen in the body, but balanced the proper amount of progesterone.
Dr. Lee recommends 2-3% Pacific natural progesterone cream, and this is the model that is the easiest and most effective to use. Each of the creams listed below and the recommended amount of natural progesterone.
This hormone is in the form of topical cream, which is applied directly - and absorbed by - in the skin. Progesterone is a natural bio-identical, which means that it is the same as making your body. It's more secure, and has no side effects when used correctly, they become more effective, and greater benefits and protective gear.
I take this woman is free on the Internet to the hormone profile health test ...
This clinic used the women's safe and effective natural remedies to treat the problems of pregnancy the lining of the uterus and other women health problems.
Once you have taken the hormone profile test, and see what is recommended for you to begin giving your body the support it is likely missing.
Why in the lining of the uterus and hormonal imbalance can be signs that the body does not get the support they need. Most women do not need synthetic drugs to regain their health.
Use the link below to take a free online "Hormone Profile" test. Then select the recommended treatment plan based on your responses appropriate for the symptoms and severity.
Begin today to restore your health and your life ... Read what other women have to say about their success with the elimination of symptoms. What You Must Know what to do now. The woman takes the 'Hormone Health' test here.
Balance your hormones yourself!
Natural progesterone supplementation has very positive benefits and has no known side effects. Women have been used safely over the past 30 years.
Massage 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 teaspoon of cream twice a small per day in any of the following areas: hands, arms and abdomen of the Interior, the face, neck, thighs, buttocks and chests to accommodate the rotating application sites.
And natural progesterone can be absorbed into the bloodstream, on an ongoing basis as the body needs them.
That gives you 20-25 mg of progesterone per 1 / 4 teaspoon of the cream, which is almost the same body you will be producing eggs.
Use for 21 days or as needed. Stopped for a period of 7 days (when you're having your period), and repeat every month.
Review or order from the recommended suppliers of natural progesterone cream.
Progesterone and estrogen hormones and are vital to the life and well-being of every woman. Natural progesterone balances and opposes the effects of unwanted side of estrogen.
If the body experiences a "lack of progesterone," facing hormonal imbalance, which includes the difficulties of pregnancy, the lining of the uterus.
Suppliers recommended on this site produces natural progesterone cream with the amount of natural progesterone (2-3% region) recommended by Dr. Lee.
Women's health for the sale of books - go here to review the books with information on the lining of the uterus and hormonal imbalance.
Most of these books selected are authored by physicians with decades of experience in the use of natural progesterone supplements to eliminate premenopause and menopause symptoms.
You will find many books for women suffering from fibroids, endometriosis and the difficulties of pregnancy.
Will give you the facts on the lining of the uterus and fibroids. It gives detailed information about how to change diet and exercise, stress reduction, vitamins, herbs, and medical and surgical treatments.
Dr. Lark in clinical practice spilled over 28 years, and she authored 11 books in the field of health and healing, and what she has to tell you - you need to know whether fibroids in the uterus and the lining of the uterus, and pregnancy in the uterus and is calling you.
While the names of natural and synthetic hormones are different can be overwhelming at first, persevere with the new vocabulary of terms such as estradiol and cortisol will enable you to communicate more effectively with doctors.
Entire chapter devoted to the benefits of supplements, natural progesterone cream, and it urges women to get the saliva tests for proper evaluation of the levels of the hormone.
Dieting and exercise recommendations is simple, the reasons for the reduction of fat and sugar, meat and vegetables with more vitamins by adding high-quality - read more about the best vitamins for women here.
Lining of the uterus is a painful condition and the lining of the uterus is not clear why - it seems that the disease of the century 20th. Endometriosis Research Center showcase the lining of the uterus, which is a painful reproductive and immunological disease affecting more than 7 million women and adolescents in North America alone, with nearly 80 million people all over the world.
This organization was founded in 1997 to meet the growing need for international disease research, education and awareness and providing support to patients.
Disease can be painful to make the woman in their late teens or unable to care for herself or her family, attend work, school, or social functions, or go about her normal routine.
Lining of the uterus can have a negative impact on every aspect of the lives of women of their self-esteem and relationships have the ability to reproduce. To use natural progesterone cream is a safe alternative! Read more about how they affect the progesterone levels infertility.

normal ovary ultrasound

normal ovary ultrasound
This test can be done abdominally, transvaginally, or both. And imaging the abdomen tend to give more room for display, but less detail, especially for structures deep in the pelvis and partly hidden by the pubic symphysis. If abdominal scan, a full bladder is a useful and transmits sound very well through the water. In this case, and the bladder as a full voice "window" in the tub. Full bladder also helps to raise the structures of the basin so that from behind the symphysis and the view. If the survey transvaginally, and the full bladder makes the examination more difficult it is to pay the uterus and ovaries and tubes away from the vaginal adapter.
While the implementation of the scan, you may use the vaginal probe as if it were your fingers investigation, and pressure on different structures to see whether the tender or fixed in place. Similarly, you may not use your other had abdominal pressure, and thus structures closer to the investigation vaginalis. This type of dynamic ultrasound scanning can provide information that might miss otherwise.
Ultrasound changes
When you perform this type of scan, and modify various settings of the equipment can have a significant impact on improving the image and clarified in detail.
* An increase in the higher frequency ultrasound will give the best resolution, but poorer depth of penetration. In patients suffering from obesity, and the penetration depth is very important and the decision may need to be somewhat sacrificed in order to see all the structures.
* To increase the gain (amplification) will feature more echoes that appear on the screen, especially at the lower end of the picture, but the results an increase in gain more artifacts. This will reduce the gains and clear up some of the artifacts (especially in the public fibrosis), but with some loss of signal, especially in the depth of the tissue.
* Coordination can be variety of distances. Set focus just below the structure of the deeper you want to see clearly.
* Field of view can be widened or narrowed. And narrower field of vision, and generally the more the image quality was within the field.
Normal uterus
Starting from conception through the development of the uterus in a long axis. You should see the endocervical canal linking the tape lining of the uterus.
Measurement of the uterus in three dimensions, a length, width and depth.
Sweep the uterus both height and presentation, and evaluation of myometrium from the presence of fibroids. Small masses in the cervical fibrosis and cysts Nabothian and not of clinical importance.
Lining of the uterus
Lining of the uterus, or "tape", which differs in texture and thickness with cycyle menopause.
Cervical abnormalities
Fibroid is the most common abnormalities seen uterus using ultrasound. These masses are the latest round in the myometrium or drop out of the myometrium.
Normal ovaries
Normal ovaries appear lateral to the uterus, and differ in their relative position within the basin. In this example, the ovary lies in the position just above the classic ships. In other cases, it may be too far from the ovaries of this site.
During the reproductive years, and the ovaries and usually easily identified by the presence of small ovarian follicles. As mentioned the menstrual cycle, and many of the ovarian follicles are recruited and grow to 8-12 mm in diameter. Then, one dominant follicle is usually selected continues to grow in the 2-4 mm / day, even up to about 25 mm (22-30). Then it releases the egg and the partial collapse, luteum formation of the court.
If there is any internal bleeding in the cavity of bag, and corpus luteum takes on the irregular ", a piece of bread on the World Wide Web" appearance that resolves quickly. This is known as bleeding corpus luteum bag and innocent, though it has a somewhat disturbing emergence of ultrasound.
At menopause, and ovarian follicles are no longer growing and the ovary may become difficult to identify.
Similar results can be seen between the long-term users of the pill by mouth, although the changes are generally not dramatic.
Ovarian Abnormalties
There are a large number of cases of ovarian abnormalities to be seen, including abscesses, and solid tumors, and endometriomas.

Normal Ovaries

Normal Ovaries
What ovaries look like?
Ovaries are small, and walnut - sized blocks of tissue that is away from the one inch from the top of the uterus in any of the two sides. Are white, and when young girls and adolescents, and smooth. After the onset of menstruation, however, the ovaries begin to go through a series of events that lead to a change in their appearance.
Just before ovulation, a small (1 / 2 inches) clear collection of fluid around the developing egg and becomes visible beneath the surface of the ovary. This mixture of fluids, hormones and egg-producing cells called follicles. During ovulation, the surface bursts open the ovary, eggs and carried away in a wave of fluid around the fallopian tube. Ovarian surface cells heal quickly, leaving behind a yellow show the pocket of cells called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone, but if no pregnancy occurs, it disappears shortly after the menstrual period. With the passage of time, on the surface of the ovary and becomes pitted and irregular, and much evidence of ovulations and subsequent recovery. After menopause, and the formation of pores and stop the monthly ovulation. Reduction in the size of the ovaries to that of almonds and become a pale white.
What do you do when the doctor feels your pelvis is a test done?
Part owner of the pelvic examination allows the doctor to feel the size and shape of the uterus, tubes and ovaries. During this part of the exam, the doctor paid up from the cervix into the vagina. This moves the upper part of the uterus closest to the abdominal wall, as the size and shape of the uterus can be seen between the doctor two hands. Thus, the physician should be able to detect conditions that increase the size of the uterus, such as fibroids.
Before menopause, the ovaries usually about the size of small walnuts and during the examination, can be seen on both sides of the uterus. Ovarian abnormally large and usually indicate the presence of cysts, and benign tumors or, in very rare cases, cancer. The fallopian tubes are so soft and mobile, which is usually detected during the scan. Tenderness in the area of the tube in some cases to infection. If endometriosis or scar tissue from previous surgery or infection present in the vicinity of the pipes, tenderness may also be present during the examination.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is diabetes?

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels, which due to a defect in insulin secretion, or action, or both. Diabetes, referred to as diabetes (as it will be in this article) was first identified as one of the diseases associated with "sweet urine," and excessive muscle loss in the ancient world. And high levels of glucose in the blood (high blood sugar) leads to the leakage of glucose in the urine, and then the term sweet urine.
Normally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin reduces the level of sugar in the blood. When high blood glucose (for example, after eating), off insulin from the pancreas to normalize the level of glucose. In patients who suffer from diabetes, and the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes high blood sugar. Diabetes is a chronic disease and medical care, which means that although it can be controlled, they last a lifetime.
What is the impact of diabetes?
Over time, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage. These types of damage is the result of damage to small vessels, referred to as microvascular disease. Diabetes is also an important factor in accelerating the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), leading to strokes and coronary heart disease and other diseases of large blood vessels. This is referred to the disease macrovascular. Diabetes affects about 17 million people (about 8% of the population) in the United States. In addition, it is estimated that about 12 million more people in the United States have diabetes, and do not even know it.
From an economic perspective, the estimated total annual cost of diabetes in 1997 to 98 billion dollars in the United States. The per capita cost resulting from diabetes in 1997 amounted to $ 10,071.00; while the costs of health care for people without diabetes incurred a per capita cost of $ 2,699.00. During this same year, and attributed 13.9 million days of stay in hospital for diabetes, while 30.3 million physician office visits and diabetes-related. Remember, these figures reflect only the population in the United States. At the global level, the statistics are staggering.

What is obesity and why is it bad?

What is obesity and why is it bad?
What is obesity and why is it so unhealthy?
Obesity is a major problem in today's society, with more than 1 billion people in all parts of the world classed as obese cost the British health insurance system alone £ 1 billion annually. Obesity is an increase in fatty tissue, to the extent that it can cause a variety of negative effects on health. These problems include many physical and psychological, for example, emotional problems, including feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, and often in children, and intimidation of classmates. Physical problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease and some cancers and diabetes type 2 (T2DM), which is when the body no longer responds to insulin and therefore can not control blood sugar levels. By 2025 300 million people are expected to suffer from diabetes associated with obesity, and this figure is twice what it was in 1998.
How to measure obesity?
There are many methods to measure body fat percentage, but the most common method is to use the body mass index (BMI), which measures the relationship between weight and length. Another measure or more than 30 puts you in the category of people suffering from obesity. For more information about testing to measure the body mass index, body mass index, your please click here. Body mass index may be the most popular method but has its disadvantages, for example. People who carry a lot of muscle will not receive the accurate measurement of body mass index because of the muscle is heavier than fat. Other measures are more complicated than fat, but still a body mass index is the most popular method used because it is very simple.
What drugs are used to combat obesity?
The first anti-obesity drug developed at the end of 1950. This was Phentermine, related to amphetamines. The drug worked by stimulating the release of catecholamines and therefore urges that 'fight or flight' response and loss of appetite. This became available in the market in early 1970 Phentermine hydrochloride. This medicine is now a controlled substance were also found a high degree of addiction, and therefore can not be taken only for short periods of time. This medication has also been found to affect the heart causing side effects such as high blood pressure and valve problems. Phentermine can also cause insomnia, so it can only be taken at certain times of the day.
Fenfluramine was another anti-obesity drugs that have worked to increase central serotonin levels and caused a sensation of fullness, and therefore loss of appetite. This drug was withdrawn in 1997 after reports of high blood pressure and other problems related to valves of the heart. How exactly these drugs cause loss of appetite are not known, probably due to a combination of factors. Fenfluramine was also used in combination with Phentermine and is called called 'Fen - Phen'.
And other anti-obesity drug Xenical is available. This drug acts peripherally as inhibits an enzyme involved in causing the breakdown of fat and fatty acids to excreted instead of digested. Side effects of this medication problems include bowel movement and the secretion of essential vitamins. The amount of weight loss by taking Xenical is different and that can only be taken for short periods of time. For more information about how to Xenical Xenical, please visit the main page by clicking here.
Therefore, there were 50 years of research into obesity, and after a very small number of drugs have been licensed. This highlights the complex system of neurons that control appetite. Current knowledge regarding the control of appetite and food consumption in all stems from the pioneering experiments carried out since many years, without which, it can be to discuss the obesity does not have occurred. These tests involve the establishment of the role of the hypothalamus regulate appetite and the role of peripheral signals in the signal energy levels. Please click on the link below to start a discussion on the current understanding of how to regulate appetite came.
Genetics and Obesity: genes are the bullet - but you have to press the trigger
Many of the genes thought to be involved in appetite and obesity, but very recently, in a gene called gene (F, on chromosome 16 was found to confer a predisposition to obesity (Frayling et al, 2007). It has been known for some time that genes play a role in obesity, but this study confirms this. it was reported that 16% of the population carry this gene, and if every individual is a copy of this gene by 70% are more prone to 3kg heavier than the average. This discovery confirms that obesity can stem not only from malnutrition and lack of exercise, but in fact, that genetics do not play a role. This study does not mean that this gene is solely responsible for obesity, there are likely to have many of the genes responsible. What does this study is to highlight the effects that can play genetics in the development of obesity and people discovered that this gene can do something about it, and take responsibility for his body, after all, you can change your lifestyle but you can not change your genes. to gain access to research behind this story, please see the key references.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss
The most common type of hair loss seen in women is alopecia androgenetic, also known as female pattern alopecia. Alopecia means baldness, but only as is the case in men, but it should not be a complete and hair loss. This is hair thinning predominantly over the top and front of the head. It affects nearly one third of all women at risk, but is most commonly seen after menopause
Female pattern hair loss some excess hair loss is noticeable, but gradual easing is what usually brings the woman to a dermatologist. Regular hair shedding is approximately 100-150 hairs per day. A lesser number of hairs lost would apply to those whose hair is already thin. Female pattern hair loss, and when the affected hair is shed, root grows one in its place which is shorter. In the end becomes invisible "peach fuzz". Genetically, hair loss can come from one of the parents of the other side of the family.
Click here to see larger VIEWFemale pattern hair loss may start from the age of puberty. In such cases, if there were signs of hormonal imbalance, such as excess hair on the face or body, and hormone evaluation should be done. Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss.
Many women do not realize that hair loss can occur after pregnancy or after stopping use of oral contraceptives. You may also follow any sudden physical or psychological stress to the body. These types of hair loss is "telogen smell", and are usually temporary. It is important to remember that this hair loss may be delayed by up to three months after this change. Up to 8 months and there will be a need for regrowth to be fully achieved yet.
Treatment often begins with [Rogaine (Minoxidil Topical 2%). [Rogaine is the only approved medications currently available for female pattern hair loss. And other medicines hair loss, Propecia, just does not work in women at all. Aldactone (spironolactone) pills help many women, especially those whose hair loss starts before menopause but takes many months. Pill hormone replacement, such as Prempro, in addition to Aldactone better after menopause. Experienced hair transplant surgeons in many cases can not be achieved excellent results in women with follicular unit and new techniques minigraft. You have to be the candidate qualified to have realistic expectations.
The case of treatment failure, or perhaps she does not want to be professional advice to help. Can be wrinkles, dyes and other cosmetic options that used to give the appearance of fuller hair. Contrary to common wisdom, shampooing does not increase real hair loss. Some beauty salons specializing in modern forms of hair additions, and this has made recent improvements in simulating the appearance of normal. And consult with skilled professionals to discuss your options recommended.

Endometriosis Causes

Endometriosis Causes
Cause of endometriosis is unknown. Some experts believe that travel a piece of the lining of the uterus once again through the fallopian tubes, and pass in the pelvic cavity (space inside the pelvis that contains the genitals). A small piece of tissue can provide the surfaces of the genitals. During the menstrual period, and the tissue bleed, just like the endometrium inside the uterus. Blood gets trapped in the fabric of place. Surrounding tissue may become swollen and inflamed. Over time, scar tissue and cysts can form.
Back menstruation theory (transtubal migration theory) suggests that during menstruation some of the tissue during the menstrual support of the fallopian tubes, and implants in the abdomen, and grow. Some experts believe that all women experience some menstrual tissue backup and that the immune system or hormonal problem allows this tissue to grow in the women who develop endometrial cancer. Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue is distributed from the uterus to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or through the blood system. A genetic theory suggests that it may be in the genes of certain families or that some families may be predisposing factors of the lining of the uterus.
Transplant surgery has also been mentioned in many cases where I found the lining of the uterus abdominal scars, although it has also been found in such scars when accidental implantation seems unlikely. Another theory suggests that remnants of tissue from the fetus when a woman may later develop into endometriosis, or that some adult tissues retain the ability to have the embryo to transform reproductive tissue in certain circumstances.
Lining of the uterus may be caused by something called "menstrual flow back", which in some tissues to speak to women during the period of inflows to the basin. While most women who get some periods of menstrual flow backwards, and not all of these women of the lining of the uterus. Researchers are trying to detect other factors that may cause tissue to grow in some women, but not in others. Lining of the uterus as it happens in rare cases, men also seems it can not be cured by a hysterectomy seems that this idea is very far-fetched.
There is another theory about the cause of endometriosis is that it is hereditary. Can this disease may be hereditary, or it can result from genetic errors, which makes some women more likely than others to develop the condition. If researchers can find the specific gene or genes relevant to the lining of the uterus in some women, genetic testing may allow health care providers to detect endometriosis much earlier, or even prevent it from happening at all.
Researchers to explore other possible causes as well. Hormone estrogen, a hormone involved in the reproductive cycle of females, and it seems to promote the growth of the lining of the uterus. Research is continuing to consider in the lining of the uterus and disease of the endocrine system. Another view is that in some women, their immune system does not remove the menstrual fluid in the pelvic cavity properly, or chemicals made by areas of endometriosis may irritate or promote growth of more areas. Other researchers are studying the role of the immune system to stimulate either the reaction of the lining of the uterus or the lining of the uterus that may be an autoimmune disease. Other research focused on determining whether environmental factors, such as exposure to man-made chemicals, cause inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Further research in an attempt to understand what, if any, factors influence the course of the disease.
Dr. Deborah Metzger has been working on the idea that the lining of the uterus is in fact an allergic reaction. We found that patients with apparently a large number of allergies, including sensitivity to their own hormones such as progesterone, LH, estrogen, and also to candida (yeast). Theoretically, for patients who are sensitive to hormones, estrogen levels can be treated with progesterone or in the form of a "pill" actually cause the lining of the uterus to become much worse, depending on the particular sensitivity to them, and a pill that they take. By addressing these allergies, and sometimes combined with surgical excision, they found that this seems to provide relief.
Another important area of the National Institutes of Health Research is the search for signs of the lining of the uterus. These signs are materials submitted by, or in response to endometriosis that health care providers can be measured in the blood or urine. If you find signs, can health care providers to diagnose endometriosis by testing women's blood or urine, which may reduce the need for surgery.

Endometriosis Surgery

Endometriosis Surgery
Lining of the uterus is a mysterious disease affecting about 7% of women of childbearing age, nearly 5 million Americans. Although they may suffer from symptoms ranging from large pelvic pain to infertility, and most of these women do not know that they have the lining of the uterus. Doctors to understand (1) clinical, endometrial, (2), correct diagnosis, staging, and (3) Management and sequele has improved dramatically over the past few years. The result was a better and more cost-effective patient care.
Lining of the uterus is the presence of endometrial tissue (normally found only in the womb) in locations outside the uterus. This fabric reacts to the hormone estrogen and progesterone. The site is usually in the pelvis (the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, or bladder), but the lining of the uterus has also been found in sites outside the pelvis (including the omentum, small intestine, appendix, anterior abdominal wall, and the surgical wound, diaphragm, lung cancer and urinary tract, muscles, bones and nervous systems). This endometrial tissue interacts with the hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, just as the tissue lining of the uterus inside the uterus reacts during the regular ovulation.
The spread of disease and injury
The prevalence and incidence of inflammation of the lining of the uterus depends on the female population being studied, ranging from 1 to 50%. It has been reported to occur in 10 - 15% of women who had undergone diagnostic laparoscopy, 2 - 5% of women who had undergone tubal sterilization .30 to 40% of women with infertility and a laparoscopy, 14 - 53% of women with pelvic pain.
There are many theories that attempt to explain how the evolution of the lining of the uterus. The most popular theory to describe the menstrual backwards through the fallopian tubes, with subsequent implantation and growth of endometrial cells in menstrual blood. Other theories involve metaplasia (normal tissues in the abdominal cavity of their own to change the lining of the womb), cropping directly from the cells lining the uterus in the abdomen during surgery, and the proliferation of cells lining the uterus from inside the uterus to other places through the blood vessels or lymphatic vessels. Each of these can contribute to the lining of the uterus in different patients. Immunity has also changed to play a role.
There seems to be several factors that affect whether a woman will have this condition, and severity of the disease in any particular woman, and her symptoms, and her response to treatment. These include:
* Genetics (mother or sister affected doubles the risk)
* Hormonal state (the highest levels of the hormone estrogen, heavy menses for long periods increases the risk)
* Life style (low body weight and cigarette smoking to reduce risk by reducing the levels of the hormone estrogen)
* The use of contraception (contraceptive by mouth may reduce the development of the disease)
* Date of birth (pregnancy and lactation reduce the risk)
* Anatomical factors (cervical stenosis increases the risk)
* Date of transaction (by medical or surgical treatment reduces the risk)
* Race (caucasions more likely than African-Americans -)
, And possibly exposure to environmental toxins, especially those that estrogenic
Endometrium are believed to cause infertility by distorting anatomy, creating hormonal abnormalities, and change the biochemical environment in the basin, and the impact on the immune system, and interference with sperm function, and (maybe) change the process of embryo implantation.
Clinical presentation
Lining of the uterus and displays in the first place with pelvic pain (about 80% of patients). About 20% of patients presenting with endometriosis are also suffering from infertility, and 5% currently with a "tumor" of the lining of the uterus in one or both ovaries (these are called endometriomas). Anywhere from 1 to 40% of patients who suffer from inflammation of the lining of the uterus will not have any symptoms. Lining of the uterus may occur at any time after puberty, including the age of adolescence.
Degree of pain the patient often does not correlate with the severity of the lining of her uterus. Pain may occur as a result of any or all of the following:
* Uterus transplant secretion irritant (such as histamine)
* Scar tissue (adhesions)
* Endometriomas leaking
* Pressure of other abdominal structures (for example, the intestines, ureters)
* Pressure of the deep endometriotic nodule in the pelvis.
* Invasion of the urinary tract (bladder or ureter)
* Invasion of the digestive tract (small intestine or colon)
Even in patients who suffer from the disease and the minimum is moderate (the Foundation in the first or second), the lining of the uterus is probably associated with infertility. There is a reason the relationship between the greatest impact is certainly moderate and severe disease (established in phase III or IV). Usually these patients have adhesions, deep invasive pests, and endometriomas. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus may also be associated abnormalies structural damage to the fallopian tube. Comprehensive studies do not, however, support an association between endometriosis and increased rates of spontaneous abortion.
Endometrial lesions occur in all parts of the basin. They tend to be more frequent in the back alley de sac and the ovary, and less frequently in the fallopian tube. Lining of the uterus is almost certain that the disease gradually, but the rate of progress and the nature of the lesions varies from patient to patient.
The development of adhesions as a result of the process caused by uterine inflammation for a long time, with more extensive adhesions and dense developing over time. And adhesions in the worst cases, more advanced usually involve the uterus, ovary, colon and lower (near the rectum). Laparoscopic surgical treatment of these cases is always the best, but requires skill and vast experience, and patience on the part of the operating surgeon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Endometriosis Pain

Endometriosis Pain
The pain associated with inflammation of the lining of the uterus is the symptom of the most difficult to cope with the most women. For many, they are suffering from severe pain that interferes with every day life. Can be constant or it can be periodic and coincides with a woman period.
What is causing your pain?
In addition to pain during menstruation, and pain can be endometriosis occur at other times of the month, or from natural causes or other chemicals. Can not be a pain with ovulation, the pain associated with adhesions, pain caused by inflammation of the pelvis, pain during bowel movements, urinating, and physical exercise during any movement, and pain from running, and a great disaster, with the pain of intercourse. But the most desperate pain of menstruation, usually with awe and there are several women at intervals.
Emotional pain
There is also the addition of mental anguish and emotional distress caused by this disease and the emotional pain that many people do not take the pain of women inflammation of the lining of the uterus seriously. The problem is that it is not visible. No one can physically see what is wrong with you. Abroad, you look perfectly normal. All of these things simply building layer after layer of distress and misery. This is the reality of perhaps millions of women all over the world today. After more than a modern society and views on the idea of women's pelvic pain as usual. Naturally! That would be an insult as saying that asthma is normal in children.
Unusual or suspicious pain!
The fact that society in general views pelvic pain as a natural that women themselves also believe that pain is normal. This is why it takes so long for some women to realize that there is something wrong in fact. Then can we begin to discuss and compare and menstrual pain with other women and gradually they realize how much pain they feel is not normal.
Even if you are a woman reading this with the doubts that you may have inflammation of the lining of the uterus because of the amount of pain experienced with your periods, you would do well to get this checked out.
Site pain
Nearly all women with endometriosis experience pain that in the pelvic area. Severe pain is often caused by cramping that occurs on both sides of the basin, and radiates in the lower back and even in the rectum and lower legs.
Sometimes the pain may also occur in other regions. Implants can also occur in the bladder (although rare) and cause pain and even bleeding during urination. Lining of the uterus can invade the intestine and cause painful bowel movements or diarrhea. Large cysts can cause pain and disruption is very severe at any time in various locations.
The severity of the pain also varies widely and is unrelated to the extent of the disease. Women can be planted very small or few, and have severe pain, while those with inflammation of the lining of the uterus and large may be trademarks very few, and not suffer much pain. There is no logic in how severe pain from inflammation of the lining of the uterus will be, but on the whole this disease causes a lot of pain for most women.

Bladder Endometriosis

Bladder Endometriosis
Lining of the uterus and bladder, and if left unmanaged, can lead to more serious urinary problems in the future. This disease, which affects more than 1.5 million people in the United States and Canada, and gynecology is a disease that affects only women in the years of fertility. A woman from the lining of the uterus and bladder cells of the lining of the uterus, the medical term for the cells of the uterus, and placed in his bladder.
Indicators that you have inflammation of the lining of the bladder
Some patients who suffer from symptoms of inflammation of the lining of the uterus and the bladder, the first few years. They will not realize that they have this disease when it is already in a serious stage, and appears more severe symptoms.
The most common complaint for women who have such a disease is a pain in the abdomen or pelvis. The degree of pain can be mild or severe or severe.
Usually, you will ache and pain in the bladder to be more intense during the period of your menstrual cycle. There are a lot of women suffer from inflammation of the lining of the uterus in silence because they feel that pain is the pain only the normal pre-menstrual syndrome.
However, if you feel pain hinders your activities, nature trails, such as going to work or school, you must visit the doctor and get checked more than yourself.
Keep reading for more information about these conditions and to subscribe to the newsletter below, which coats the lining of the uterus in detail the signs and symptoms in addition to the natural treatment options that provide effective pain relief.
Women with endometriosis also experience the various bladder disorders, cancer. Misplaced because the cells grow in the bladder should not be there, it is common to feel burning sensation when peeing. In some cases, you can also find pus or blood in the urine.
Since the cause of your problems are urinary cells lining the uterus in the bladder, ie, the amount of antibiotics, cure or mitigation of symptoms. Remember, antibiotics are used only for bacterial infection. Since your problem is due to cells that have gone astray, of antibacterial drugs will do little to help remedy the situation.
In some cases, women who suffer from this chronic conditon also experience the urge to urinate a lot. Considerable number of women find it difficult to leave their homes because of the need to urinate often, and it can lead to sleep disorders as well.
If the lining of the uterus and bladder left unmanaged, it could lead to blockage of the urinary tract or urinary incontinence, which is a condition where you will not be able to control the bladder or functions.
Diagnosis of inflammation of the lining of the bladder
The presence of the symptoms listed above does not guarantee that what you have is the lining of the uterus of the bladder. Patients who suffer from interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome, and many complain of the same symptoms.
However, if you feel the symptoms listed above, you are the man who is not subject to any hormone therapy or treatment, and then you can exclude the lining of the uterus and bladder do not have the uterus, and thus cells lining the uterus will be out of place in your bladder.
To help determine whether you suffer from interstitial cystitis or bladder lining of the uterus, you need to be at the level of potassium in the urine test. People who suffer from C and usually have high levels of potassium.
If you want to know for sure if you have inflammation of the lining of the uterus and bladder, you will need to undergo a cystoscopy, which a doctor will insert a cystoscope into your urethra. This device will not only help the bladder, see your doctor, but taking tissue samples to test as well. This is the best way to make an accurate diagnosis of the lining of the uterus of the bladder.

Hpv Colposcopy

Hpv Colposcopy
I understand how you feel. After a year and a half ago I went through the same thing. I had a colposcopy and frightened. The nurse gave me ibuprofen after the procedure. I felt that I had menstrual cramps, and it was bitten to sit for a few hours. With it and established procedures to resolve vinegar on the cervix to see abnormal cells. They usually biopsy abnormal cells to see whether cancerous. You have cells taken from 2 areas of my cervix and returned as mild dysplasia, which undestood I am fine / pre-cancerous. The doctor explained it to me, such as transitional cell and non-formal, which can be anything, or it can lead to cancer. Watching nipple (6 months later) came back normal and so did the nipple I had about 5 months. As far as the LEEP, which is whether some cancer cells are ... I think. It takes some of the cones to get out of the cervix to remove the distortions.
The doctor told me my body would fight the human papilloma virus in a similar way it is fighting the flu. My immune system will suppress it. I did some reading and found that vegetables may help as well as exercise. I was going to try anything I could. I did increase my exercise and my vegetables. I did not try vitamin supplements, so I'm not sure if they will work.
I too was so confused about everything. I discovered about a year ago on the HPV pay big screen television. My doctor did not even know that much about it. I had to tell her I found a lot of my information on the Centers for Disease Control Web site, and said she would have to check it out. I hope to be able to answer some of your own.

Natural Breast Augmentation

Natural Breast Augmentation
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