Saturday, August 22, 2009

12 Simple Tips for Healthy Living

12 Simple Tips for Healthy Living

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Follow these healthy living tips for improved health and increased happiness:
1. Eyes wide shut. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep each and every night. Getting enough shuteye is crucial because sleep is the time when your body repairs itself. Also, getting the appropriate amount of sleep can help boost your immune system and help to ward off colds and flu that are especially common during the winter months.
2. Silence is golden. Wake up a few minutes earlier each morning in order to savor the quiet moments of life. Plan your day, relax and enjoy your morning cup of coffee.
3. Satisfy your sweet tooth. Indulge occasionally in a sweet treat or a salty snack. Keeping in mind that moderation is the key, know that a small treat after a healthy meal, such as a piece of dark chocolate, is a satisfying way in which to reward yourself for overall healthy eating and will help to prevent junk food binges.
4. Make a friend your "gym buddy". One of the best health fitness tips you can follow. Call a friend and head to the gym for a workout. Not only will this allow you to catch up and enjoy each other’s company, but working out with a friend makes you more prone to keeping up with the activity out of a sense of loyalty.
5. Count your blessings. Take a few moments each day to write down three things you’re thankful for. Include simple things, like a warm meal with your family, and appreciate how such simple pleasures can truly brighten up your day. This activity will help you appreciate the positives in your life, reduce stress and ease depression, thereby helping to boost your overall health.
6. Chip away at your to-do list. Remember that mile-long to-do list that you’ve been meaning to get to? Whether it’s the holidays or just a busy time in your life, there always seems to be a reason to putting off those tasks you’ve been meaning to complete. But procrastinating can lead to increased stress and leave you feeling overwhelmed. Tackling your to-do list can help you feel in control of your life and give you a sense of accomplishment. No achievement is too small when it comes to improving your health.
7. Roll out your yoga mat. Simple relaxing exercises like yoga, meditation or stretching have been shown to improve mental health, as well as to improve physical health by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which in turn can help to boost your immune system.
8. Have a pot luck exchange with friends. A little different from a traditional pot luck, a pot luck exchange is when you cook a little extra dinner one night and then bring it over to a friend or new neighbor so that she can have a night off. Then, the next week or month, she returns the favor. This is an especially great tip for new moms.
9. Plan fun time. While being a mom is a full-time job, make the time to break away from your hectic schedule by planning some fun time for yourself. Whether it’s a concert, movie or a play at the local theatre, a night out on the town can help you re-energize and improve your overall health.
10. Bath time. Bath time isn’t just for children! Taking a long, luxurious bath can help you relax, decrease your stress levels and boost your immune system. Plus, it helps to relax sore, aching muscles. If it fits your budget, why not also consider an afternoon at the spa? These treatments can also have health benefits.
11. Treat yourself. Just returned to work? Lost some extra weight? Reward yourself. Celebrate the milestones in your life with flowers, a new item for your wardrobe, or another simple treat. Such actions can improve your health by reinforcing the positives in your life.
12. Think positive. Positive thinking has been proven to improve individual’s immune systems because it helps to reduce stress and improve mental health as well as physical health. Probably the most important healthy living tip, thinking positive can also help ward off mental health problems like anxiety and depression. So focus on the bright side and you’ll be well on your way to a happier, healthier you!

Home Workouts During Pregnancy

Home Workouts During Pregnancy

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Along with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do to benefit yourself and your baby during pregnancy is exercise. Women who exercise regularly while pregnant have easier labor, deliveries, and recovery time. The majority of pregnant women are able to exercise at a level appropriate to their stage of pregnancy, but you should always check with your doctor to make sure you have no risks or conditions that would prevent you from exercising safely.
Working out at home during pregnancy is fun and convenient when you use pregnancy workout videos as a part of your routine.
Through the use of one of the many excellent exercise videos that are available to you, you can exercise during all stages of your pregnancy in the comfort of your own home. The videos are fun and effective and you are sure to love the challenging yet pregnancy-oriented routines that will help keep you toned and fit throughout your pregnancy. Included in the many benefits of exercising during pregnancy are less fatigue, reduced lower back pain, stress relief, weight management, and a quicker return to your pre-pregnancy weight after delivery. Some forms of exercise are better than others for moms-to-be. Low-impact, low-risk exercises include walking, stretching, yoga, swimming, specialized prenatal aerobics, and Pilates.
Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial to both you and your baby. The wrong exercises however, can cause actually cause harm so it is important to do only those exercises that are known to be safe for both mom and baby. Pregnancy exercise videos will give you a safe, manageable workout routine that is appropriate for your stage of pregnancy. You can order pregnancy exercise videos featuring well-known exercise personalities or your favorite celebrities.
By exercising throughout your pregnancy you will help avoid many of the discomforts associated with pregnancy including constant feelings of exhaustion and lower back pain. An added bonus of regular exercise during your pregnancy is a faster recovery time after delivery and a quicker return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
Pregnancy exercise videos are a great way to keep fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Fun, easy to follow exercise routines designed especially for expectant mothers will give you to opportunity to keep your mind and body fit during your pregnancy and make it much easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape after the birth of your child. You can be healthy and experience significantly less discomfort when you take the time to exercise regularly throughout your entire pregnancy. Pregnancy exercise videos can help you stay fit and will allow you to perform your workout in your own home at your convenience.
If you are an expectant mother or are planning to become pregnant, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. You will make labor and delivery easier for both you and your baby and the benefits will extend after the birth of your child. You will lose that extra pregnancy weight faster and your body will be considerably more resilient if you have a regular workout routine that you continue throughout your entire pregnancy.

Best Diet For Woman

Best Diet For Woman

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Health Tips For The Women Only

We all know that among the minerals CALCIUM is the most important for our bone formation and development and especially in females because with menstrual cycle lot of calcium is lost and after menopause bone depletion and calcium formation reduces at a very fast speed leading to osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Recommended daily allowance RDA for women is 1200mg of calcium and after menopause it increases to 1500mg, also an equivalent value is required in the pregnancy.
Generally calcium is readily available through milk products but the fat part is also high in it. Researches have shown that calcium citrate is better absorbed than calcium carbonate. A little planning and combinations with vitamins and carbohydrates can easily help to maintain the calcium levels of the body. It is also readily available in sardines and canned salmon, tofu, green leafy vegetables and beans.

Hygienic Nail Salons Equal Healthy Fingernails

Hygienic Nail Salons Equal Healthy Fingernails

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Health Tips For The Women Only

Is a trip to the nail salon for a manicure on your weekly schedule? While the majority of nail salons follow their states' rules and regulations for safe, hygienic manicures, there are some nail salons that don't. Nail salons that fail to follow these hygiene rules and regulations can lead to all kinds of health problems. In fact, just having cracks or broken skin around your fingernails can lead to HIV / AIDS, as well as other infections. The good news is that by following a few simple tips for hygienic manicures can mean the difference between fingernail infections and healthy fingernails.

Weight Lifting Exercise & Fitting Weight Lifting Exercise

Weight Lifting Exercise & Fitting Weight Lifting
Exercise Into Your Daily Family Life

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Weight lifting exercise is crucial to your health, weight loss and fitness success. If you do not use weight lifting exercise on a regular basis you simply will not reach your goals.
It is very easy to quickly and easily adapt your eating and exercise habits so you can achieve the results you want and deserve, and still have the time for a great family life. But the key is actually doing it.
But first, understand this; Your health is the most valuable asset you have… and if it goes south, you'll inevitably spend everything you have, financially and emotionally, to get it back!
But intellectually understanding what should be done in regards to weight lifting exercise and actually doing it are two very different things.
So please take a few minutes to carefully read this information on weight lifting exercise, because having the RIGHT information is critical.
Weight lifting exercise sure looks very easy to fit into your daily life, if you go by what you see in all the magazines, ads and television programs out there, doesn’t it?
But is this "vision" of exercise, reality for you and most other women, especially if you have a family? Of course not.
It's these same magazines, ads etc that never tell you about weight lifting exercise and family life; looking after an ill child or children at home, having to change 20 diapers a day (and in the middle of the night), making meals for your entire family, etc.
Weight lifting is important for women just starting to exercise and for women who have been exercising for years.
Weight lifting is also important regardless of your age and become even more critical after age 30.

Mental health benefits of exercise

Mental health benefits of exercise

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

One of the great things about exercise is that it can improve your mental health. Regular exercise can help you feel less stressed, can improve your self-esteem, and can help you to feel ready to learn in school. Kids who exercise may also have reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Exercise can also improve your overall mood. Did you have an argument with a friend? Or did you do poorly on a test? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk will make your brain produce chemicals that will make you happier and more relaxed than before you started working out.
What if you’re having trouble sleeping? Again, it’s exercise to the rescue! Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and help you sleep deeper. A good night's sleep can improve your concentration and productivity in school the next day.
Physical health benefits of exercise:
Another great thing about exercise is that it can keep your body healthy. Kids who exercise often have a healthier body weight than kids who don’t exercise. Exercise makes your bones solid, improves your heart and lungs, and makes your muscles strong.
Exercise can also affect specific diseases that affect adolescents and teens. New research shows that teens who exercise regularly (about 60 minutes of brisk exercise each day) burn more calories and use blood sugar more efficiently than teens who don’t exercise. This could protect you from developing type 2 diabetes.Why should this concern you? Well, in recent years, a lot of health problems that doctors saw only in adults are now seen in young people. For example, 15 years ago type 2 diabetes was rare among adolescents, but now it accounts for almost 50 percent of new cases of diabetes in young people.
Here is something else to consider: children and adolescents who are overweight are more likely to become adults who are overweight. If you start good habits (like daily exercise) when you are young, you will be likely to continue them when you’re older.
New research shows that exercise during the teen years (beginning at age 12) can help protect girls from breast cancer when they are older. Also, regular physical activity can help prevent colon cancer later in your life.
Get moving:
The more time you spend in front of the television or playing video games, the less time you have to be active. Not being active is called sedentary (say: sed-un-tair-ee). Leading a sedentary lifestyle can cause weight gain and even obesity (dangerously high weight), which can lead to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. These three health issues can hurt your heart and make it easier for you to get certain diseases. Make physical activity a regular part of your life. It can help you protect your health!

Fat Girls and Fat Women

Fat Girls and Fat Women

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Modern society s image of the beautiful woman is someone who fits a certain size, usually size 6 or smaller, someone with a certain kind of bone structure, someone with a certain kind of face. This image is glorified in many, many fashion magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle and Vogue. This image is, unfortunately, not true for the average woman, who has to struggle with size 8 or bigger, who does not have the same delicate bone structure, who does not have the particular kind of face that one would see on a model.
Not all of us are born to fit such an image of what is considered the beautiful woman. In fact, very, very few fit that given image at all. And yet, there are so many women out there who try desperately to fit that image, who will try all means available to them and that which they can afford just to be able to fit that image. Sadly, despite whatever measure we might take, some of us are just that: fat.
If we are not genetically predisposed to being overweight, there are other reasons why we are carrying around extra flesh on our bodies. It could be because we are addicted to food. And while this is not a general or a blanket statement on why women are fat, it could be because we basically have issues with ourselves that we cannot face, and we hide behind the comfort that food brings us whenever we had to deal with something that we find truly stressful.
Examine yourself. Are you fat because your genes have dictated that your body should be formed that way? Are you fat because you are lazy? Or are you fat because you cannot stop eating?
That character from the Austin Powers series of movies, the one they have named Fat Bastard, captured it so poignantly with this line: I eat because I am unhappy, and I am unhappy because I eat. Is it that case for you too?
If you are one of us, one of those women who are afflicted with food addiction, the first step towards recovery always involves recognition. Recognize and admit to yourself that you have an issue that you need to deal with and that you are using food to cover up for the fear, the anxiety and the sadness that you feel whenever you are forced to face something you do not want to handle.
Once you have gotten a handle of the situation, the next step would be to determine what gives you so much stress and anxiety, enough to turn to the comfort of food. More often than not, it has something to do with self-image. If it is indeed the case, that your food addiction has something to do with self-image, then the next step would be to embrace what you are and accept that you cannot be what you are not.
Most importantly, do not take this journey of ridding yourself with food addiction alone. It is so very easy to fall back into the old pattern of bingeing after being upset with something if you are dealing with it alone. Seek help with a counselor or a support group. There are others like us, like you; you need not go through this all alone.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allergy Tips

Allergy Tips

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Air Conditioning and Allergies
To help alleviate problems with pollen, molds and dust mites, air condition your house and car and, if possible, add an air cleaner to your central air conditioner.
Anaphylactic Shock
Anaphylactic shock, the most severe allergic reaction, is most commonly associated with bee or fire ant stings. If welts (hives) erupt following a sting, this is a warning flag to seek prompt medical attention.
Attic Fans
Don't use your attic fan during allergy season. The fan sucks pollen into the house.
Avoid Dyes
Avoid dyes, especially the ones in toilet paper. Use white to wipe.
Bedding and Dust Mites
If dust mites give you trouble, seal your mattress, box springs and pillows in allergy-resistant plastic covers available at most discount stores.
Carpeting Causes Allergy Problems
Allergy experts recommend you dump the carpeting and use throw rugs instead. Since most people enjoy a carpeted home, try the new allergy care carpet treatments now available.
Cheap Fungicide
Clean humid areas, such as the bathroom and basement, with a fungicide (mold-killer). A cheap and effective one is bleach. Use a solution of 3/4 cup bleach to one gallon of water, let stand 5 minutes and rinse.
Choose Antiperspirants Carefully
Aluminum chloride, aluminum sulfate and zirconium chlorohydrate in antiperspirants often cause dermatitis, especially after shaving. Try to choose antiperspirants that contain the anti-irritants allantoinate, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, aluminum hydroxide, or triethanolamine.
Cold Compresses for Allergy Relief
Are your allergy eyes giving you fits? Try a cold compress for 15-20 minutes. Wet a washcloth with cold water and place over your eyes.
Common Allergens and Allergy Symptoms
A listing of common allergens: pollen, mold spores, dust mites, animal dander, feathers, foods, medications, and insect stings. Common allergy symptoms: watery, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a constant runny nose.
Common Pollens
The most common pollens causing allergies include: tree pollens (April - May), grasses (June - July) and ragweed (August - October).
Dandruff and Shampoo Dyes
Dandruff sufferers may be allergic to the dyes in the shampoo they use. Even dandruff remedy shampoos often contain dyes.
Decongestants and Blood Pressure
If you are hypertensive, over-the-counter decongestants are a big no-no. Decongestants raise blood pressure and can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Dehumidifier and Allergies
Keep the humidity in your home below 45%. To measure the humidity level, buy an inexpensive hygrometer available at many discount stores.
Driving and Antihistamines
Antihistamines often cause drowsiness and should not be taken if driving or operating machinery.
Drug Treatment for Allergies
The over-the-counter antihistamine diphenhydramine (Benadryl) works well for allergy treatment and has few drug interactions. Be sure to read the label for proper dosage, side effects, etc. and check with your doctor if you have any questions.
Face Masks
Wear a face mask when doing chores that are most likely to expose you to allergens like vacuuming and gardening. You can buy face masks at a hardware store.
Fall Allergies
Even though fall temperatures are mild, keep windows closed and use air conditioning to reduce allergy problems. Air conditioning filters out pollen and keeps humidity low, which keeps indoor mold down. Also, change your AC/furnace filter at the beginning of fall.
Hay Fever vs. Sinusitis
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is caused by allergies and is often characterized by a runny nose, sneezing and congestion, and itchy eyes, nose, throat and inner ears. Non-allergic rhinitis (sinusitis) is characterized by a swollen, inflamed nasal lining and a stuffy nose. It may be triggered by irritants such as smoke, changes in barometric pressure or temperature, or overuse of over the counter decongestant nasal sprays.
Hidden Sources of Peanuts
Hidden peanut sources may include:
Artificial nuts can be peanuts that have been deflavored and reflavored with a nut, such as pecan or walnut. Mandelonas are peanuts soaked in almond flavoring.
Arachis oil is peanut oil.
It is advised that peanut-allergic patients avoid chocolate candies unless they are absolutely certain there is no risk of cross contact during manufacturing procedures.
African, Chinese, Indonesian, Mexican, Thai, and Vietnamese dishes often contain peanuts, or are contaminated with peanuts during preparation of these types of meals. Additionally, foods sold in bakeries and ice cream shops are often in contact with peanuts. It is recommended that peanut-allergic individuals avoid these types of foods and restaurants.
Many brands of sunflower seeds are produced on equipment shared with peanuts.
Laundry Allergies
If you have severe allergies to laundry products, try using baking soda to wash your clothing and linens.
Mites and Mattress Pads
Wash your mattress pads weekly in hot water to kill dust mites.
Nasal Sprays
Don't be tempted to treat an allergy with an over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray for more than three days. After a few days of use you may get a "rebound" effect, and your nose may become even more congested than before. These drugs are more useful for short-term use to relieve nasal congestion associated with a cold.
No Open Windows
If you're an allergy sufferer, do not ride in a vehicle with the windows down or vents wide open. It will worsen your allergies 200 percent. The same goes for your home. Invest in an air conditioner.
One Room Sanctuary
If central air conditioning isn't an option for you, make your bedroom your sanctuary. Install a window air conditioner, properly care for your bedding and keep the door closed at all times.
Pets, Bedrooms and Allergies
Pet dander is a common allergen, especially cat dander. To ease the suffering that Fido or Fluffy may cause you, ban them from your bedroom at all times.
Preventing a More Severe Peanut Allergy Reaction
In one of seven studies published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, researchers say liquid charcoal, which is often used when people ingest poison to block absorption, can also absorb peanuts.
After you've eaten the peanut and you have an allergic reaction, you still have peanut in your stomach," explained Dr. Donald Leung, editor of the journal. "And so rather than allow further peanut to be absorbed and have an even more severe reaction ... drinking the charcoal will prevent the further triggering of increased symptoms.
Leung advised that parents of young children with the allergy keep liquid charcoal -- available in pharmacies in the home, in case of accidental ingestion.
Problems with ragweed, the most common weed pollen, usually start in the middle of August and continue until the frost begins. Interestingly, some regions are less affected than others: The West coast does not have any ragweed.
Synthetic Pillows
Dust mites like synthetic pillows as much as down or foam ones, but synthetic pillows have the major advantage of being washable in hot water which kills the mites.
Tree Allergies
Trees that can cause seasonal allergy symptoms include: maple, ash, oak, elm, birch and cedar. When they pollinate depends on the area in which you live.

05 Key Health Tips For Women

05 Key Health Tips For Women

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Trachtenberg, age 23 says, In your 20s, you feel invincible and think you can eat anything and everything in sight and still fit into your skinny jeans the next day. You're not realizing that not being conscious of what you're consuming has long-lasting effects."
A lot of women in their 20s make the mistake of putting off establishing good eating and fitness habits, but this is the best time to create a foundation of healthy living," says Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill, RN, executive director of NWHRC.
Here are five key health tips from the NWHRC for women in their 20s:

1. Establish an exercise routine
Staying active will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints. So it's important to take part in physical activities that are not only challenging, but also fun and motivating. Keep things interesting by mixing it up; whether it's a dance class or a kayaking trip, don't be afraid to try something new.
CBS's NCIS co-star Cote de Pablo stays in shape by doing a combination of core training and yoga four or five times a week. "I try to find time either in the morning before work or after. I definitely work out on the weekend, because it's the only time I'm sure I won't be working.

2. Maintain healthy eating habits
Stop worrying about your weight, and start thinking about your health. Eating mostly whole foods, including lots of veggies, fruits and whole grains, is the key to feeling and looking your best. Start by adding an additional serving of fruits and vegetables to every meal.
Lower your chance of osteoporosis later by consuming more calcium now. Calcium can be found in dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese, and also in other foods, such as leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, broccoli and tofu. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium so it's important to take a supplement, eat foods fortified with vitamin D or take a walk outdoors in the sunshine.
de Pablo shares an eating habit secret that works for her, "If you're going to have a really big meal, make it breakfast and then progressively eat less throughout the day. Do not eat heavy, heavy meals at night. Drink lots of water and lead an active lifestyle."

3. Protect your skin
You're never too young to start taking care of your skin. Healthy habits today will pay off in later years. The key to healthy skin lies beyond which soap you use. It depends on what you eat, whether you exercise, how much stress you're under and even the kind of environment in which you live and work. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, wearing sunscreen and getting regular body scans by a dermatologist can keep you looking young and feeling good as you age.

4. Get a good night's sleep
Not getting enough sleep can interfere with your memory and ability to reason and concentrate, make you more susceptible to injury, increase stress levels and reduce your body's ability to fight infection or heal. If you have trouble getting a good night's rest, try going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day or taking a hot shower before bed.

5. Manage stress
It's easy to get overwhelmed with balancing a new job, friends and everything else happening in your life. Breathe; slow, deep, diaphragmatic breaths can trigger a relaxation response in your whole body.

The Web site includes five health and fitness tips specific to women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s provided by the National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC). Within each decade, there is a listing of important health screenings, immunizations and questions women should ask their physicians as they age through the decades. Women can check out NWHRC's Web site,, for additional health/fitness and wellness information.
The Web site also includes personal conversations with women celebrities representing these milestone decades of life. Each celebrity shares her personal struggles, triumphs and tips on how to stay fit and healthy while leading busy lives, both personally and professionally. Featured celebrities include Trachtenberg and de Pablo as well as Ana Ortiz (30s), Virginia Madsen (40s), and Marg Helgenberger (50s).
New Wii Game, EA SPORTS Active, Now Available at GameStop
An easy and cost effective tool for boosting activity levels is through EA SPORTS Active ™ a new customizable and personalized fitness video game, designed exclusively for the Wii™ and available at GameStop stores nationwide. EA SPORTS Active is perfect for the whole family, though designed specifically for women seeking a simple, fun and cost-effective way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The retail cost of the game is $59.99 and operates on all platforms of the Wii.
"Lack of time is one of the biggest obstacles to working out, said Chris Olivera, Vice President of Corporate Communications/Public Affairs. "GameStop wants to help women find easy solutions to achieve health and fitness by using video game products such as EA Sport Active.

Facial Fitness Exercises

Facial Fitness Exercises

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Being beautiful on the outside is all about keeping the face young and looking healthy. We know that the absence of wrinkles and sags, as well as having taut, toned, smooth and glowing skin are the signs of youthful and healthy beauty. Some go through so much just to maintain the vigor and agelessness of their faces, so much that they would spend a fortune on face lifts and other procedures that would keep them looking as close to 18 years old as possible.
There is, however, an inexpensive way of retaining youthful beauty, and that is through observing a regular facial fitness routine - that is, exercising the muscles of your face. The idea behind facial fitness is similar to the principle of doing a body workout: by exercising, you build up the muscles of your body and keep them toned and firm.
In case of the face, by exercising the facial muscles regularly, the muscles will be lifted enough to remove the sags, and the skin - sunny glow will be smoothened enough to remove the wrinkles. The blood circulation to the face will also increase with facial exercises, enabling the tissues of the face to repair themselves more quickly.
Maintaining a regular facial fitness routine is easy. It only takes a few minutes of your time and it can be done while watching television or waiting for the stoplight to turn green when driving. Here are a few sample exercises for different areas of the face.
This will smooth down the wrinkles of the forehead. Place your fingers just above your brow. Then, with your fingers, pull the skin down. At the same time, try to raise your eyebrows. Repeat this ten times.
To deal with crows' feet at the corners of the eyes, put the thumbs at the corners of the eyes and then shut your eyes tightly. Then, with your thumbs, pull at the skin towards the forehead. Repeat this ten times.
For sagging eyelids, hold your index fingers close to the brow bone. Afterwards, raise your Eyebrows.
At the same time, try to close your eyes. Again, repeat this ten times.
Cheeks. Form an 'O' with your lips and try to push them forward as fast as you can. Then release the 'O' and smile as widely as you can. Repeat ten times.
Lips. Push your lips outward in a pout as far as you can, then smile. Or you can suck on your finger as hard as you can. Once again, repeat ten times.
Arch your neck backward and place your hand on your neck just under the chin. After that, let your hand slide downward and push at your collarbone. An alternative to this one would be to push your lower lip outward as far as you can and tilt your chin up toward the ceiling, resting the hand against the collarbone as you are doing so.
Push your lower lip upward as high as you can. You can also press your thumb on the bone just under your chin and then push your tongue against your lower gums as if it is trying to meet your thumb. Another thing you can do is to tilt your chin up and massage the flesh under it with your thumb with strokes directed towards your neck. These exercises will take care of the double chin.
Just like in total body workouts, facial fitness exercises take time. However, if you truly want to see results on your face, try doing this once or twice a day, five times a week. You will be able to see changes in around a month or two.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

After nine months of pregnancy one problem is face womens extra weight that have gained in nine months.Most of womens wants to lose their weight after pergnancy but it is not easy task.You want to be original figure it would also take a few months being paitent.First if you are breastfeeding you should aslo need extra calories.The calories aslo available in fruits and vegetables then oil and fat food.You should also regular exercise is best way to weight loss.Do not start an exercise program after two days giveing birth to your baby.Major changes are also in your body and you need to give it some time.It is believed that breastfeeding can help a woman shed those extra kilos, after pregnancy. So, make sure to breastfeed your baby on a regular basis. However, this alone would not help you lose all of the pregnancy weight. You need to combine it with other types of weight-loss activities, such as a healthy diet and a proper exercise program.One activities that you can start a few days after your delivery.It is advisable to stick to 10 or 15 minutes of light walk.Gradually, you can increase the time as well as intensity, taking it to no less than 45 minutes of brisk walking, on a daily basis.
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Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Balanced diet is considered very important to maintain the body weight. However, there are many people who keep on searching for the Weight Loss Tips which may help them to lose their weight permanently. If you are also looking for the weight loss tips then you are on the right platform.
The most important thing to tone the body and to maintain the weight is regular exercise. You can do 30 minutes daily workout five days a week. Try to select the workout which is easier and exciting for you because once your body will become used to it then you have to follow it permanently for maintaining the weight.
You can also do three 10 minutes sessions which are also equivalent to 30 minutes exercise. Once you start a regular workout you will start enjoying its various benefits. In addition, you should also try to do regular walk. Skipping is also considered as one of the most effective body toning and weight loss activity.
Diet plays a very important role to increase or decrease your weight. Do not live for food but eat food to live and make a food diary and record daily what you have eaten. Many research works have shown that instead of eating three large meals per day, try to take six small meals per day. The reason is that when you eat a lot in one meal then the walls of your stomach expand and next time they again want more food.
However, if you take small meal, then the walls will not expand and this enhances the control over your appetite and weight. Drink at least sixteen glasses of water daily because water has no calories. Take at least three to four mugs of green tea. One useful tip is that you can take one glass of warm water with one lemon in it early in the morning before taking breakfast. Moreover, include vegetables, white meat like fish, fruits and fresh juices in your daily diet plan.
If you want to lose your weight then you have to change your eating patterns like you have to analyze that when you start to overeat. In most of the cases, people overeat when they feel stress, loneliness, anger and depression.
Therefore, try to identify your eating triggers and do not take food when you suffer from them. Therefore, if you want to lose weight then your plan should not be to look thinner but to get healthier.

Exercises For Shapely Breasts

Exercises For Shapely Breasts

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Exercise 1:
a.Lie on your tummy with the elbows bent, and fingertips facing inwards.Rest your forehead on the floor.
b.Slowly raise your head and body, pushing down with hands, arching your spine and bending the neck backwards. c.Pull in your stomach muscles and lift your stomach off the floor.
d.Slowly lower upper back and shoulders to floor to the original position.Relax. e.Repeat.
Exercise 2:
a.Hold your arms straight in front of you, at shoulder level.
b.Bring your hands slowly, towards your shoulders clenching your hands as though you are pulling something strenuously. c.Repeat 5 times.
What Can Exercise Do For Your Breasts?
Breasts contain no muscle but only fat cells, milk-ducts and glands, held together in a web of soft connective tissue.So by exercising you cannot increase your bust size.Neither will exercising directly reduce a heavy bust.This is especially true if your breasts are large but your body weight is what it should be.If, however you are over-weight, a weight reducing diet combined with regular exercises, will help you to reduce your weight as well as your bust size.
Exercising, however has several other advantages as well; it tones up the muscles on which the breast tissue lies.So, if your bust-line measures less than what you would like, exercising would give you a firmer and a more prominent line, making your bust appear larger.Similarly, if a heavy bust is your problem, you would lose some of the droop(which can spoil your shape) and gain a firmer contour, though there would be no loss of inches.
Apart from the exercises which we have already mentioned, swimming is a superb exercise for bust shape.It exercises the ” breast muscles” considerably against resistance of the water- this really can do wonders to your shape.

Healthy Eyes

Healthy Eyes

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

There is no other camera like eye. Importance of eyes can be asked to a Lacrimalductblind person who exactly knows the valueof these cameras granted by the nature. Researchers believe that about half of all blindness could be prevented. Unfortunately, enough research has not yet been made for eye health, due to which eye sight problems and diseases are increasing day by day in the most modern world Eye diseases that affect most Most of the eye diseases are associated with aging as we age, our body muscles star to degenerate, so the eyes. Age related eye diseases are as follows: Cataracts
Macular degeneration
Other than aging, some diseases can also harm eyes like diabetes and “diabetic retinopathy” is the best example. It appears that more and more people are falling victim to these eye disorders every day.
Eye care
It’s important to prevent vision problems before they have chance to develop. Well, consuming sufficient vitamins, especially vitamin A, is essential for prevention. Also, an adequate supply of minerals will also be beneficial
Appropriate eye care can decelerate natural degenerative process. Particularly, macular degeneration can be reduced with the preventative measures, correct eye exercises and good nutrition. It is also possible to reduce the affects of injury, accident, diseases and vision loss caused by strain.
Tips to remember
The below mentioned eye care tips helps you have healthy and beautiful eyes.
Eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables like carrots, spinach, papaya and mangoes. These are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes.
Regular exercise improves blood circulation. Only then your eyes are sure to receive enough oxygen for good performance.
Drink plenty of water, at least 12 glasses of water each day, to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.
Use a clean cotton ball dipped in milk or honey to clean your eyes. Both are good and safe natural cleanser.

09 Ways To Live Healthy

09 Ways To Live Healthy

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

1. Move your Body
Find new ways every day to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Chase your kids, Walk your dog, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool; it’s a stress buster. Think ‘move’ in small increments of time. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better.
2. Cut the Fat
Don’t eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat versions. Most are available in lower fat versions.
3. Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. Exercise is a great stress reducer; walk on the beach or in a park. Soak in a hot tub; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting irritated. Avoid difficult people when possible. . Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds…. then float on them.
4. Drink plenty of water:
Drink plenty of water daily. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Drink 2-4 glasses of water in morning before lunch. It all makes your stomach good in work, skin glow and you would not have any problem of kidneys.
5. Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or ‘tough guy’ stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
6. Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It’s a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
7. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.
8. Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your Real Age as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it’s because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don’t?
9. Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There’s a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing.

Natural Health Tips & Advice

Natural Health Tips & Advice

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

Maintaining good health is a challenge that we all face. The mission of this site is to empower you with the knowledge you need to attain and maintain optimal health. In order to stay healthy you will need to look at many different areas of your health. These areas include your diet and exercise habits as well as your ability to manage stress. Our focus is on natural health methods as we believe they are very effective. Be sure to check out our topics on the left for in depth information on these and other health related topics such as exercise, nutrition, meditation, weight loss tips, how to quit smoking and self improvement. Here are some basics you need to keep in mind to help you get healthier and stronger.
What you eat can have a dramatic effect on your health and fitness levels. You have heard the saying, ‘You are what you eat’. That statement has more truth to it than most people realize. Unfortunately in today’s world our diets are filled with processed foods and other ‘junk’ foods. The problem with these foods is that they contain many artificial chemicals such as preservatives and colorants. Often our bodies have great difficulty dealing with these chemicals and this could lead to many health problems.
It is not necessary to eliminate processed or junk foods but rather focus on reducing the amounts you consume so you can lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight. You have also heard that you need to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet but the question is are you really doing it? Fruits and vegetables have incredible health benefits that you should not underestimate. Make sure you are consuming a wide variety of these kinds of foods and try to get the organic kinds if you can.
Consider purchasing a quality juicer and regularly make fresh juices out of fruits and vegetables. The benefit of juicing is that it allows you to get a lot of nutrients quickly and easily and it also gives your digestive system a break since the nutrients are in a liquid form that is easily absorbed.
Also try to minimize your consumption of meats, again there is no need to eliminate meat but do watch the quantities and try to get more protein from other sources like soy protein. Green drinks can also offer great health benefits to you as they offer a wide variety of nutrients that your body needs and they are easily absorbed.
You can find green drinks in most health food stores and even in the supermarket if you check in the supplements section. The powdered form is often the best and look for the ones that have predominantly organic ingredients. Perhaps the biggest key to nutrition is to stick to the most natural foods you can find as they tend to provide the greatest health benefits.
Taking part in regular physical activity is also a critical component of great health. This does not mean that you have to run a marathon everyday. Even a twenty minute walk outside if the weather is nice can be very effective. There are essentially two kinds of exercise and that is cardiovascular (aerobic) and strengh (weight) training and they are both important.
Aerobic exercise is important to keep the heart strong and it offers many other health benefits. Consider joining a gym and doing aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day, three to five times a week. You can even purchase a quality piece of aerobic equipment like a stairclimber or stationary bike, the key is to buy something you know you will use regularly. There are no shortcuts to better health and fitness. You need to be consistent with your exercise as well as diet and stress management habits in order to stay healthy.
Weight training is important to help build and maintain muscle mass. Remember that muscles burn calories all the time so it is critical to have some muscle on your body. Do weight training once every one to two weeks to keep your muscles strong. It is not necessary to train with weights everyday because you will get overtrained very fast and this could actually make you sick. You need to give your body plenty of time to recover from each workout.
Learning to manage stress is a very important aspect of your health and may even be the most important one. Stress has been shown in many studies to have a great impact on your health. Learning to control your mind is perhaps the greatest key to managing stress in your life as most stress is simply created in the mind. Meditation is probably the best way for you to learn to how to reduce stress.
There are many different forms and types of meditation and it can actually get rather complicated. A good and simple meditation exercise is to focus on the breath. All you need to do with this exercise is to put your mental attention on your breath as you inhale and then exhale. It is important to keep your mind quiet and sharply focused on your breathing. If you find that your thoughts are wondering then gently bring your attention back on the breath. Over time the distractions will get less and you will be able to reach that peaceful state of a quiet mind much faster.
The key to long term health and wellness is to be consistent with practicing the right diet, exercise and stress management habits. There is no shortcut or miracle pill that will keep you healthy so put the effort necessary to learn and apply what you need to know for optimal health. Good luck.
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Birth Control Tips

Birth Control Tips
This Website Has The Lot Of Women Health Tips For The Women Only

Birth controls are effective tools to prevent from unexpected and unwanted pregnancies. There are some natural methods that can be used to prevent the pregnancy. Fertility awareness is one of those natural methods, and is known as the natural family planning. In this method couples are advised not to have sex when the girl has the time of ovulation. As at the time of ovulation fertility of the girl is at peak. Therefore chance for the pregnancy is higher. Ovulation time can be traced by using calendars since girls have naturally scheduled ovulation time. Likewise man should remove his organ before ejaculation to prevent the pregnancy. However there are several types of birth controls, the most used and effective types are
Condom Condom is a think rubber covering, worn on the male organ. Female condoms are also available; however male condoms are more effective and easy to use. In either case the purpose of the condom is to prevent the match of eggs and sperms. In case of male condom it effectively prevents the male sperms to enter the female vagina. A condom can not be reused and has to be thrown in garbage once it has been used.
Birth Control Pills Birth control pills are the chemicals that control the functioning of body organs. In case of girls, these pills stop the ovulation process. So without ovulation girls can not get pregnant.
Birth Control Pills Birth control pills are the chemicals that control the functioning of body organs. In case of girls, these pills stop the ovulation process. So without ovulation girls can not get pregnant.
Birth Control Patch Birth control patch is think beige, square patch which sticks to the body. It prevents pregnancy by releasing hormones into the blood. These hormones affect the performance of productive organs in order to prevent the pregnancy. The patch has to be applied on the abdomen, buttocks, upper arm, or upper torso not the breasts of the girl. It is mandatory to apply a new patch on the same day of the week, when the patch was applied for the first time, to make the method effective. There are many other types for birth control; however it should be made certain that your body does not get affected by the method. Therefore before using the birth control, try to research its after affects and effectives to make the sexual live safe