Saturday, August 22, 2009

Best Diet For Woman

Best Diet For Woman

This Website Has The Lot Of Women
Health Tips For The Women Only

We all know that among the minerals CALCIUM is the most important for our bone formation and development and especially in females because with menstrual cycle lot of calcium is lost and after menopause bone depletion and calcium formation reduces at a very fast speed leading to osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Recommended daily allowance RDA for women is 1200mg of calcium and after menopause it increases to 1500mg, also an equivalent value is required in the pregnancy.
Generally calcium is readily available through milk products but the fat part is also high in it. Researches have shown that calcium citrate is better absorbed than calcium carbonate. A little planning and combinations with vitamins and carbohydrates can easily help to maintain the calcium levels of the body. It is also readily available in sardines and canned salmon, tofu, green leafy vegetables and beans.