Monday, August 31, 2009

Benefits and Risks of Liposuction

Benefits and Risks of Liposuction
Liposuction is a " Artificial, Painful and expensive" way of removing excess fat from fat accumulating parts of the body. It is expensive process. Generally those who are suffering from over weight are go through this surgery.
• My sincere advise is , If you are a diabetic patient / suffering from heart diseases / have irregular blood pressure then remove the word Liposuction from your mind. Because Liposuction's disadvantages are more than its benefits.
The main disadvantage of this process is its recovery. Recovery is painful and tedious. Some times it leaves some unwanted scars or marks or blood clots on the place from where the fat was removed.
• The only benefit is it gives you attractive figure as desired by you by decreasing the weight instantly.
• My suggestion is try to reduce the weight gradually. Maintaining good figure is not a difficult task. It just need interest and self confidence.
• Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, balanced food and drinking plenty of water along with regular exercise is the best solution to reduce the weight and extra fat than liposuction.
• Because, trying to reduce is gradually , is natural, less expensive and not painful. Where as liposuction is "artificial, painful and expensive" way of removing excess fat.