Monday, August 31, 2009

PMS Natural Remedy

PMS Natural Remedy
Women usually go through this premenstrual cycle that can sometime be too irritating and creates a nuisance to the everyday living of an individual. It hinders the activities planned ahead for the day because the pain would sometimes be too unbearable.
PMS Signs and Symptoms
When an individual experiences premenstrual syndrome, they usually experience the following:
Swelling of breasts: This is associated with slight tingling and aching feeling of the breasts.
* Menstrual cramps: Mild cramps usually occur as the uterus tries to contract and shed off the tissues.
* Irritable behavior: Due to the pain and hormonal fluctuations, women during their premenstrual period would tend to be irritable.
* Bloated feeling: This is due to the rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones have an effect on the homeostasis of fluid in the body.
* Mood swings usually would occur as well and is fairly common. This is because of the fluctuation of the hormones that causes the emotional upsets and outbursts.
Preventing PMS
There is no such thing as stopping the body from going through this process because it is normal. The only measure you can do is to try to lessen and to alleviate the discomforts that come along with it. Here are the following natural cures and remedies for PMS.
* Drink plenty of fluids
* To treat the swelling of the breasts, cold and warm compress usually will help. Wearing a good and supportive brassiere would also be helpful.
* There’s not much you can do about the irritable behavior, but the only remedy for it is to go with your emotions. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you feel like eating out, go for it. Don’t hold your emotions for it is natural and normal to feel in such way.
* With the menstrual cramps, you can alleviate the pain by placing a hot compress on your groin area. Let it sit for about 15 to 30 minutes till the pain subsides.
The best way to avoid premenstrual pain is to deal with it through exercising, drinking plenty of fluid, eating healthy and eating right, getting some rest, and avoiding too much stress. You should also cut off the caffeine and soda intake and stop smoking and drinking alcohol. You need to switch to a healthy lifestyle.