Friday, October 23, 2009

endometriosis and pregnancy

Endometriosis and Pregnancy
Lining of the uterus and pregnancy are often used in reference to how the lining of the uterus interferes with a woman of the effort to become pregnant. Lining of the uterus is growing cells lining the uterus (the endometrium of the Interior) in places outside the uterus, such as the abdomen - but can transplant cells lining the uterus in any number of places.
These small islands of the "lining of the uterus" (or cells) scatter themselves through the fallopian tube, and planted themselves to the other surfaces such as the uterus and bladder and other pelvic organs.
Endometriosis pregnancy becomes very difficult, partly because of the pain of these cells can cause in general is misplaced, in part because these cells could fill important pathways in and around the uterus.
This increase in the size of tumors, and when the women and menstruation, and growth rates become very painful and inflammed. Often, these growth rates cause scarring, which is painful in itself.
Lining of the uterus and pregnancy-related difficulties in the conception and avoid abortion associated with hormonal imbalance, according to the Harvard-trained physician Dr. John R. Lee.
Women with endometriosis that are able to get pregnant, we find that pregnancy improves the lining of the uterus, and sometimes even causing permanent relief of symptoms.
Most sources of medical information to say that the hormone estrogen helps the growth of the cell, and that "a lot" estrogen encourages "a lot" of cell growth. Since the hormone estrogen causes the cells to multiply, the hormone estrogen is thought to be a factor that causes inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
The hormone progesterone is needed in the body of a woman for a healthy pregnancy in order to survive. , Controls and procedures progesterone of estrogen. May increase estrogen and / or too little progesterone be relevant to the uterus, according to Dr. Lee.
A common question is - does not help to get rid of pregnancy, the lining of the uterus? Again, according to Dr. John R. Lee has decades of experience - with endometriosis in women to delay pregnancy until the age of 30, and they are often unable to get pregnant. When pregnancy occurs, pregnancy often leads to slow progress in the lining of the uterus, and sometimes even treat it.
"Unopposed" estrogen or "estrogen dominance", is linked to the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the uterus, even in some cases leading to cancer of the lining of the uterus. Surgical attempts to remove these cells lead to divergent results, because some cells will be too small to see or simply removed, and will grow again.
The safest and best way to prevent or slow down the lining of the uterus in the opinion of Dr. Lee is the use of supplementary natural progesterone. Natural progesterone will slow down or stop the proliferation of cells lining the uterus.
He treated a number of endometriosis patients with natural progesterone, and noted a great success. Dr Lee advised women to use natural progesterone cream from day 6 to day 26 of each month, using one ounce (ounce) cream every week. Patients reported that more than one group 4-6 months, and monthly pain slowly began to subside.
Dr Lee recommended this approach since other medical treatments that are not successful and have complications and side effects. Lining of the uterus is healing of the menopause.
This is excellent news, because with the natural progesterone cream, you can do something about the lining of the uterus and improve the experience - without the use of synthetic drugs or surgery.
Today, women should be aware of the side effects that can produce many of the synthetic estrogen that is administered by itself. If progesterone levels are limited, can result in the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, fluid retention, and weight gain.
Here is a list of recommendations involving changes to diet, supplements, natural progesterone and other proposals - read more about the lining of the uterus. Lining of the uterus and fibroids is mostly because of the "estrogen dominance", according to Dr. Lee.
Estrogen dominance is defined as if there is a lot of the hormone estrogen in the body, but balanced the proper amount of progesterone.
Dr. Lee recommends 2-3% Pacific natural progesterone cream, and this is the model that is the easiest and most effective to use. Each of the creams listed below and the recommended amount of natural progesterone.
This hormone is in the form of topical cream, which is applied directly - and absorbed by - in the skin. Progesterone is a natural bio-identical, which means that it is the same as making your body. It's more secure, and has no side effects when used correctly, they become more effective, and greater benefits and protective gear.
I take this woman is free on the Internet to the hormone profile health test ...
This clinic used the women's safe and effective natural remedies to treat the problems of pregnancy the lining of the uterus and other women health problems.
Once you have taken the hormone profile test, and see what is recommended for you to begin giving your body the support it is likely missing.
Why in the lining of the uterus and hormonal imbalance can be signs that the body does not get the support they need. Most women do not need synthetic drugs to regain their health.
Use the link below to take a free online "Hormone Profile" test. Then select the recommended treatment plan based on your responses appropriate for the symptoms and severity.
Begin today to restore your health and your life ... Read what other women have to say about their success with the elimination of symptoms. What You Must Know what to do now. The woman takes the 'Hormone Health' test here.
Balance your hormones yourself!
Natural progesterone supplementation has very positive benefits and has no known side effects. Women have been used safely over the past 30 years.
Massage 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 teaspoon of cream twice a small per day in any of the following areas: hands, arms and abdomen of the Interior, the face, neck, thighs, buttocks and chests to accommodate the rotating application sites.
And natural progesterone can be absorbed into the bloodstream, on an ongoing basis as the body needs them.
That gives you 20-25 mg of progesterone per 1 / 4 teaspoon of the cream, which is almost the same body you will be producing eggs.
Use for 21 days or as needed. Stopped for a period of 7 days (when you're having your period), and repeat every month.
Review or order from the recommended suppliers of natural progesterone cream.
Progesterone and estrogen hormones and are vital to the life and well-being of every woman. Natural progesterone balances and opposes the effects of unwanted side of estrogen.
If the body experiences a "lack of progesterone," facing hormonal imbalance, which includes the difficulties of pregnancy, the lining of the uterus.
Suppliers recommended on this site produces natural progesterone cream with the amount of natural progesterone (2-3% region) recommended by Dr. Lee.
Women's health for the sale of books - go here to review the books with information on the lining of the uterus and hormonal imbalance.
Most of these books selected are authored by physicians with decades of experience in the use of natural progesterone supplements to eliminate premenopause and menopause symptoms.
You will find many books for women suffering from fibroids, endometriosis and the difficulties of pregnancy.
Will give you the facts on the lining of the uterus and fibroids. It gives detailed information about how to change diet and exercise, stress reduction, vitamins, herbs, and medical and surgical treatments.
Dr. Lark in clinical practice spilled over 28 years, and she authored 11 books in the field of health and healing, and what she has to tell you - you need to know whether fibroids in the uterus and the lining of the uterus, and pregnancy in the uterus and is calling you.
While the names of natural and synthetic hormones are different can be overwhelming at first, persevere with the new vocabulary of terms such as estradiol and cortisol will enable you to communicate more effectively with doctors.
Entire chapter devoted to the benefits of supplements, natural progesterone cream, and it urges women to get the saliva tests for proper evaluation of the levels of the hormone.
Dieting and exercise recommendations is simple, the reasons for the reduction of fat and sugar, meat and vegetables with more vitamins by adding high-quality - read more about the best vitamins for women here.
Lining of the uterus is a painful condition and the lining of the uterus is not clear why - it seems that the disease of the century 20th. Endometriosis Research Center showcase the lining of the uterus, which is a painful reproductive and immunological disease affecting more than 7 million women and adolescents in North America alone, with nearly 80 million people all over the world.
This organization was founded in 1997 to meet the growing need for international disease research, education and awareness and providing support to patients.
Disease can be painful to make the woman in their late teens or unable to care for herself or her family, attend work, school, or social functions, or go about her normal routine.
Lining of the uterus can have a negative impact on every aspect of the lives of women of their self-esteem and relationships have the ability to reproduce. To use natural progesterone cream is a safe alternative! Read more about how they affect the progesterone levels infertility.