Friday, October 23, 2009

Normal Ovaries

Normal Ovaries
What ovaries look like?
Ovaries are small, and walnut - sized blocks of tissue that is away from the one inch from the top of the uterus in any of the two sides. Are white, and when young girls and adolescents, and smooth. After the onset of menstruation, however, the ovaries begin to go through a series of events that lead to a change in their appearance.
Just before ovulation, a small (1 / 2 inches) clear collection of fluid around the developing egg and becomes visible beneath the surface of the ovary. This mixture of fluids, hormones and egg-producing cells called follicles. During ovulation, the surface bursts open the ovary, eggs and carried away in a wave of fluid around the fallopian tube. Ovarian surface cells heal quickly, leaving behind a yellow show the pocket of cells called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone, but if no pregnancy occurs, it disappears shortly after the menstrual period. With the passage of time, on the surface of the ovary and becomes pitted and irregular, and much evidence of ovulations and subsequent recovery. After menopause, and the formation of pores and stop the monthly ovulation. Reduction in the size of the ovaries to that of almonds and become a pale white.
What do you do when the doctor feels your pelvis is a test done?
Part owner of the pelvic examination allows the doctor to feel the size and shape of the uterus, tubes and ovaries. During this part of the exam, the doctor paid up from the cervix into the vagina. This moves the upper part of the uterus closest to the abdominal wall, as the size and shape of the uterus can be seen between the doctor two hands. Thus, the physician should be able to detect conditions that increase the size of the uterus, such as fibroids.
Before menopause, the ovaries usually about the size of small walnuts and during the examination, can be seen on both sides of the uterus. Ovarian abnormally large and usually indicate the presence of cysts, and benign tumors or, in very rare cases, cancer. The fallopian tubes are so soft and mobile, which is usually detected during the scan. Tenderness in the area of the tube in some cases to infection. If endometriosis or scar tissue from previous surgery or infection present in the vicinity of the pipes, tenderness may also be present during the examination.