Friday, September 18, 2009

Anxiety Symptom

Anxiety Symptom
There are several different types of anxiety, including, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Each type may have some specific symptoms but also may present itself differently in each person. For example, while some people may experience fear in crowds, other people may have a hard time talking to another person. In addition, symptoms can be mild or severe, or anywhere in between. Anxiety, in other words, does not look the same in each person.
In all types of anxiety, people experience persistent and intense fear or worry, even when such fear or worry is not warranted by the situation and when other people would not have such reactions. People with anxiety often know their fear is unsubstantiated or irrational, but feel helpless to control it. Chronic feelings of worry are usually found in Generalized Anxiety Disorder while sudden feelings of intense anxiety are considered to be panic attacks.