Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eating Disorders Treatment

Eating Disorders Treatment
The inner voices of anorexia and bulimia whisper that you’ll never be happy until you lose weight, that your worth is measured by how you look. But the truth is that happiness and self-esteem come from loving yourself for who you truly are and that’s only possible with recovery.
It may seem like there’s no escape from your eating disorder, but recovery is within your reach. With treatment, support from others, and smart self-help strategies, you can overcome your eating disorder and gain true self-confidence.
Eating disorder recovery
The road to eating disorder recovery starts with admitting you have a problem. This admission can be tough, especially if you’re still clinging to the belief–even in the back of your mind–that weight loss is the key to happiness, confidence, and success. Even when you finally understand that thinness isn’t the Holy Grail you thought it was, old habits are hard to break.
The good news is that the eating disorder behaviors you’ve learned can be unlearned. That doesn’t mean the process is smooth, quick, or easy, but you can do it if you’re motivated to change and willing to ask for help. However, eating disorder recovery is about more than giving up unhealthy eating behaviors. Overcoming an eating disorder is also about rediscovering who you are beyond your eating habits, weight, and body image