Friday, September 18, 2009

Menopause and Diet

Menopause and Diet
Eating right can definitely ease the various discomforts of menopause including hot flashes, bloating, and mood swings. The menopause diet is all about achieving a balance by eating certain types of food while foregoing others. The right balance can alleviate most symptoms and make the individual simply feel better.
The Menopause Diet: recommended foods
Fruits such as melons and citrus are highly recommended; they are high in potassium and balance sodium and water retention. People should also include dried fruit like apricots and figs. Vegetables including yams, collard greens, and broccoli may also make menopause more pleasant. Soy products, seaweed, and oily fish like tuna and salmon are some other beneficial foods that can help make this diet successful. For a complete chart, people should consult a physician.
Foods that alleviate menopause symptoms
The lack of fattening foods and complex carbs is obvious. Like many diets, people are encouraged to minimize the consumption of such foods and food groups. Doing so will provide your body with a more chemically appealing balance and, hopefully, alleviate some of the symptoms typically associated with menopause.